China bristel vs. Nylon bristel Detail Brushes


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Jun 7, 2011
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Shopping for some new ideas Friday I came across some small (what looks to be paint) brushes. Going from 1/2'' in diameter to 2'' in diameter. They look perfect for some detailing brushes.

Now to my problem.....

They had 2 different types,

China and Nylon

The China seems to be a little stiffer (similar or a boars hair) but I'm afraid it might induce some fine scratches.

The Nylon is defiantly softer( like a paint brush I'm sure we all used) But i don't think it has the strength to actually clean.

Anyone use either of them and can give me (and the rest of the forum) some insight?
Maybe be one better for interiors and the other for exterior cleaning?
Good Morning. Having been in the home painting business for over 15 years, I would advise against the China bristle brushes being used on anything with a clear coat on it. You are correct in the stiffness category for sure, and the China bristle would likely lead to hairline scratches. A good quality nylon brush would be the way to go if it's going near a clear coat. I don't like to brand drop but Purdy brushes are extremely soft and E&J ( a little harder to find ) are just as good as Purdy and a bit less expensive. As a general rule, try to stay away from the $2-$3 paint brushes as even the softest brush in that price range is going to be pretty stiff and you'll be picking the bristles out of every corner of your car.
If you wanted to go a different route, try a makeup brush such as those used to apply blush. They are a thinner bristle but packed in a dense circle so they give the stiffness without the threat of scratching.
AG sells Boars Hair brushes of all sizes. That is the only brush I will use on my clear.
Legit question and answers. I've wondered the same thing my self.
I get using the brushes to clean inside (like a/c vents and other small crevices, but what are you using a 2" brush for on the exterior? are you talking about dry dusting, or washing with soap, etc..?
Anything that moves across paint has a change of instilling swirls. expensive boar's hair brushes, cobra towels, sheep skin mitts it can all cause scratches/swirls. The idea of detailing is the minimum those swirls and remove them with polish/compound.

Use the CD scratch test. use the protect agist a CD just like you would on the car and see if it scratches. Bring the CD into the store.

I am guessing you are gonna use the brushes on door jams, lug nuts, and emblems and maybe to remove old wax residue on plastic trim around lights. If you work on high end cars spend the money on high end products. if its daily drivers then get a nylon one that feels soft and is cheap. no sense in spending 15 dollars on one brush when you only charge 15 dollars for a wash.