Sealant questions


New member
Aug 11, 2011
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Hey guys

So after I do my compound/polish and wash the car again...should I be claying again before applying the sealant?

I have some Menzerna Power lock. Once applied, are you suppose to just leave it on the car like that for 12 hours (that's what I read)?

I also read this:

As far as cure times go just know that the the "cure" is just the cross-linking of the molecuels to give the protection. That's the difference in sealant and wax, sealant has the chemical reaction of cross-linking with the paint. Now with that being said 75-80% of that cross-linking takes place in the first 30 minutes. The remaining 25% or so cross links over the next 12-24 hours. If you only have a 30 minute cure time before topping it with something else don't worry you still got 3/4 of the car cross-linked. And don't worry about doing it outside either as once removed the cross-linking is a chemical reaction that isn't going to be bothered by debris getting on the paint.

I think "cure" times are a little overrated. After the 30 minute window you are pretty much covered it just takes a longer time to get that final 25%, and if you are topping it with a wax then you have added more protection on top of the 75% that has already cross-linked.

Am I suppose to wipe the sealant off after like 30 minutes and then let it sit like that before applying the wax? Or really leave the haze product on the whole car for the 12 hours?

The problem is that I live in a humid area and dew falls at night...

Before applying a sealant you can (do not have to) wipe down with IPA, Menzerna Final Inspection or Car Pro Eraser. Apply your sealant, I always do the "swipe" test before removing, use your finger and just lightly swipe the paint if the sealant comes off easily it is ready to be buffed off. Depending on the sealant, the temp and humidity coul dbe anywhere from 15-45 min
Hi Elliott.

you do not need to clay again after polishing.

Most polishes today are water-based and I've found that washing with soap & water and rinsing thoroughly does a very nice job at removing any residual contaminates left from polishing.

There are other products available to clean the surface before applying a sealant or wax but I've found this to work quite well. Additionally I'll wipe with the panel with DuPont Prep-Sol which removes all oils, waxes, silicone, polishes making it perfectly prepped for a sealant.

Once the surface it completely dry apply your favorite sealant according to directions and after it drys buff to a glossy shine. Let the sealant cure for 12 hours then apply either an additional coat of sealant or your favorite wax.
Hi Elliott.

Additionally I'll wipe with the panel with DuPont Prep-Sol which removes all oils, waxes, silicone, polishes making it perfectly prepped for a sealant.

Once the surface it completely dry apply your favorite sealant according to directions and after it drys buff to a glossy shine. Let the sealant cure for 12 hours then apply either an additional coat of sealant or your favorite wax.


How often do you strip your paint down (as above) before applying your sealant? As an example, do you do that once a year and than maintain the finish with Collinite and/or spray wax?

