Is a 4 3/8ths backing plate alright to use w 5.5" pads?


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Jun 13, 2010
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I'm a big fan of the hydrotech pads and want to purchase some in 5.5 inch to use w my flex. I will also purchase a backing plate for this as well.

My options are 4 3/8ths or 5.5" plate. I fear using a 5.5" plate w a 5.5" pad could end in disaster.

What size backing plates/size pads do you guys use w your flex?

Thanks much. :xyxthumbs:
The 5.5 back plate goes right to the edge of the pad. I think the smaller one provides a safe barrier incase you bump something.
the 4.375 bp was made to use 5.5 pads. but u can take the stock bp that come with the 3401 and just cut around it up to the plastic with a razor blade and will work just fine and dont have to but another bp . this is what I did and I'm sure many others and works just fine.