Anyone tried this?


New member
Apr 3, 2011
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Keep car windows frost-free overnight in winter by coating them with a solution of 3 parts white distilled vinegar to 1 part water.

Polish car chrome with full-strength white distilled vinegar on a soft cloth.

Remove unwanted decals and bumper stickers by covering them with a cloth soaked in white distilled vinegar, or by repeatedly spraying them with full-strength white distilled vinegar. They should peel off in a couple of hours.

Rid the windshield wipers of road grime by wiping them with a white distilled vinegar-soaked cloth.

Remove the leftover odor after a rider has been carsick by leaving a bowl of white distilled vinegar overnight on the floor.

Get rid of hard water stains on your car with a rinse made from 3 parts soft water to one part white distilled vinegar.

Wipe vinyl upholstery with a mixture of equal parts white distilled vinegar and water.

Remove winter road salt residue on car carpeting by spraying with a mixture of equal parts white distilled vinegar and water, then blot with a soft towel.

Remove the hazy film that builds up on inside windows by spraying with white distilled vinegar.

Remove dirt and stains from car carpeting with a mixture of half white distilled vinegar and half water.

When doing car maintenance, soak rusty bolts and screws with white distilled vinegar to make them easier to remove.

Loosen chewing gum stuck to carpeting or upholstery by soaking it in white distilled vinegar.

Create an all-purpose window cleaner with a few ounces of white distilled vinegar in a quart of water.

Give leather upholstery an extra shine by cleaning it with hot white distilled vinegar and rinsing with soapy water.

Make your car extra shiny
by adding a few drops of white distilled vinegar to your bucket of water.
Tried a few of those...Don't forget adding a little vinegar to the rinse cycle in the washing machine when doing your mf towels...The acidity works wonders on many things..

Thanks for the great tips!!!!!
I use it in dishwasher on final rinse and it keeps stainless steel dishwasher spotless. About 2 oz.
Very interesting. Nice post. To add, it also goes great with a salad!
Hey Mark58:

Seems you been lurking on the Martha Stewart WebSite.


You work for Heinz in the vinegar division?


LOL,,, RETIRED!!! Try few tips and see the results. best way to strip wax off the car and about $1.00 gal
should be able to do 100 cars.
don't you get that stinky sour smell from the vinegar when you use it? I would think that if you wash your MF with it, clean your carpets, seats...that there is trace amounts left and that will stink everything up.
I think the smell dissipates after a few minutes. I have tried it to remove odors and rinse my MF and the smell doesn't seem to stay.
I use vinegar in an empty dishwasher to periodically clean and disinfect it. The same applies for the washing machine. The smell does linger for a little bit, but a small amount goes a long way.
Vinegar is awesome. I use it as an aftershave, two drops in my morning coffee, to clean my glasses, in my laundry to remove stains, in my salad (oh, I really do that one), to clean my driveway, it works as an aphrodisiac, keeps my playing cards from sticking together. I could go on and on but... :nomore:
My mom taught me ages ago to use it to clean windows. Funny, since she always told me how she detailed her ENTIRE car (including the engine and vinyl bench seats) with Lemon Pledge. I'd always laugh myself to stitches at the thought of my mom hanging on for dear life as she made left turns.

Unrelated...shaving cream and toothpaste will keep your windows and shower mirrors from fogging up (but it must contain menthol).
You can also run it through your coffee maker when the coffee starts picking up hard water deposits and gets grungy tasting.