Topping Sealant+Wax=Wasteful


New member
Aug 29, 2007
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This is one part about detailing that always irks me. Why do people feel the need to use two different lsp's? Do they believe using a paint sealant will seal the paint and the wax is what will add the beauty? As of late my opinion about topping with different lsps has. I use a specific lsp because I like the looks and characteristics of that specific wax/sealant and any addition of a new wax/sealant on top completely changes its characteristics.

With that saying what is the point of applying a sealant on the base if you are going to top with a wax? Is it going to be for durability? If that was the case people would be using durable sealants/waxes(845/476s/fk 1000P..etc) as a base and topping with a beauty wax but when I see someone applying WG DGPS or Menz PL, for example, as a base and topping it you are going to only have the visual effects of the last applied layer. The subsequent layers get washed away. Why use a premium sealant if you are going to cover it up anyways? My logic says if you want a durable base but you're going to cover it up its beauty why not go for the most durable base regardless of looks?

I personally dont see a need to waste time(unless you have it) to be applying multiple lsps when the over all finish is not going to be drastically different from the other. You will notice very minute differences when doing a 50/50 but on a large scale with two cars wearing two different lsps, it is hard to discern the differences.

Don't get me wrong. I am a wax/sealant junkie and have over 30 different lsp's and believe me I like to play around with them but I see no need to apply top sealants unless durability is the reason and even then you should be using the most durable not whats durable and looks good as the looks would be concealed. Maybe its just me... :dunno:
Agreed! I've done it before but just because I was in the mood to wax. When I apply Menz PL it looks great as it is and stays that way for awhile. I'm having a hard time going through with my Opti-Coat app because the PL is still holding strong.
Sealants have come a long way in terms of having a "carnuba" look to them...that deep, wet, non-candied look. There is no need these days to top a good quailty sealant and to those who still argue that nothing looks as good as wax.... Then why apply a sealant at all... When you can get 4-6 months out of collinite 915 or 845 that will outlast most sealants and looks great. There are two myths out there... That sealants outlast all waxes, and that a sealant can't look as good as wax.
Maybe I stand a lone but I like using DG501 as a base and then apply a carnauba over it. Waste of 10 extra minutes? To others maybe, to me? Not at all I like the look it gives especially products like Bilt Hamber Finis, Wet Obessions, Souveran, SSII and others
I also follow Duragloss 501 the next day with Collinite 845. I do it because it adds more longevity and possibly a slightly warmer glow. It takes less than 20 minutes to wax the car and so I find it quite refreshing since I only do my cars every 6 months.
To me I dont really consider DG501 as a sealant though it does have really good durability. For me I use dg501 as chemical paint cleaner and to lay down a good base for what ever lsp I end up using. What I am talking about is the use of premium pure sealants(WG DGPS,Menz PL, 4* UPP, UPGP, BF WD) under waxes.
I have yet to find a sealant that has the look of a carnauba. BFWD comes close but adding a carnauba like Midnight Son makes it look richer and wetter. I have no problem pitting on a sealant every 3-6 months and a wax once a month. Some cars I have seen with the most durable sealants while looking shiny, IMHO look like they have a coating of plastic on them.
I think much of it is personal preference and from the days when sealants weren't anywhere near the quality they are today.

In terms of durability, sealants have surpassed that of most of not all of the waxes on today's market. Now, before everyone starts chiming in let me quantify that statement by their advertised durability.

Klasse High Gloss Sealant indicates
12 months! Now, could some of this be boasting to gain market share? Quite possibly, after all who's going to actually put together a controlled documented test plan then execute it along with all the documentation?

A few of today's waxes I'm aware of seems to run out of gas in the 6 to 8 month range however most go South in the 2 to 4 month range.

Today's sealants are a far cry from the sealants of yesteryear. Their depth, gloss, ease of application and durability are tremendous and in most cases outperform in all aspects their natural counterpart; Carnauba.

Apply 2 coats of sealant for supreme durability...............then top with Collinite 845.....:props: :laughing:

My take on it anyway...:dblthumb2:
501 is a sealant. I also use CG Jet Seal, FK 2180 and others but there are some sealants such as Four Star UPP, DG 111 and others that I would never top.
I rarely top sealants. Lately with all of the new sealants, including those that are polycharged, I find myself saving my carnuabas for my garage queens.
Alan, your posts are always thought provoking! This one is too! I completely agree!
Well, I am just a newbie, but I just polished the paint on my truck. I applied WGDPS 3.0 over the polished paint and thought it looked pretty good, but not really very black any more. I just put some Pete's 53 on and I think it looks much better. I did not do a test spot, but it looks deeper, wetter, and blacker! I am going to take pics in my driveway about the same time of day as I took the ones I have of just the sealant so I can compare the two. That is the best I am able to do for a before and after.

I will post the pics when I do them. Of course, if it looks the exact same, you will just not hear from me again on this and I will realize the power of the mind in making you think things... :)
I do the BFWD and I will do the Midnight Sun or P21S Concourse over it. It seems to make the Black a little deeper to me. But I can see where there is no need for a wax with a sealant.
I have thought this also!

I was thinking of using Collinite 476s as a base and top it with 845 or 915 perhaps. I don't know. I have all 3 collinites along with a bunch of pads coming my way :xyxthumbs:

Expect reviews!
I do like BobbyG...I put down two coats of sealant and top with either Collinite 845 or 915. But, I live in Indiana and logevity is the name of the game here...especially during the harsh winters.
I agree in most cases, it is a waste of time. You'd do better to put on two coats of whatever you like than all this layering business. There are some combos that do seem to work for durability, KSG+a beauty wax like PS.

What is complete bunk is people who think layering changes the look of the stuff on top. I challenge anyone to do 1/2 their car with the combo and the other half with whatever the topper is. In a blind test, you'd never be able to tell the difference.
I tend to top my sealant and like Bobby G.mentioned its a personal preference, and I have the wax to do it, so why waste it just sitting around?Being a wax junkie it seems like you might realize ,when it come to cars,whether its looks,speed or sounds ppl tend to enjoy doing different things if nothing more than just something to do.Hell I remember in my younger days,waxing my car a couple times a week,while having a cpl beers in the park,why?because it was something to do to my It doesn't bother me the lest what combo's other ppl use were all trying to achieve the same thing protection and shine,even if its only minute differences that only you notice.
I put down a layer of KAIO then top it with Collinite 845. After washes I'll use XMT360 spray wax. The XMT360 makes it noticable slicker and glossier.
nothing is a waste if the end user or own wants it done. Its a professionals responsiblilty to inform of the benefits and weaknesses, but in the end topping is the vehicle owners choice.
So true Alan! I'ts often pointless and gets way to much play.
I do love to apply 3 coats of UPGP when I use it but I'll wait months before applying wax on top.

There could be something said for the waxes ability to resist certain contaminants better than sealants.
Do I know if they do for a fact? No, but somebody might say thats the case

I know waxes leave my car dusty far beyond any sealant.

And I know I have 2 sealants that look just as good as a wax and one that looks just as good in a completely different way.

Well, with coatings people still want to wax on top and that really does away with some of the benefits of the "stay clean" coating unless you top it with CarPro Reload or Permanon. Reload is inorganic and maintains that stay clean affect as well.

But like Scott said, if it makes the end user happy its a good idea. And if you think about it isn't 50% of everything us geeks do pointless and overkill?