thinking of going back to school


New member
Sep 12, 2010
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Im 22 years old. I recieved my A.S. in Electronics and Computer Technology in feb 2009 from DeVry University (not a great experience) and have been out of school since. I havn't had much luck in the job market. I just cant get my foot in the door.

Im thinking of applying for a local JC to get credits and get back into the school thing and if I can stick with it, eventually transfer out to a state or UC school. I hated my experience and DeVry and I kind of want to start over.

Any thoughts or advice?
I had a friend who went to devry and after he graduated he couldn't get a job either and ended up working for dominos pizza. If you can afford to go back to school I would. Do you kow what you want to study? JC is only as good as you make it. GO into it with a plan. just don't do the "Im going to just take some gen Ed classes and see what I like" route.
I don't know how you may feel about this, but have you considered going into the military? It can help you in many ways, not the least of which is helping you with your education and keeping you in a positive atmosphere until the job market and economy recovers. Who knows, you may like it and decide upon making it your career. Whatever you ultimately decide, I wish you the best of luck.
I don't know how you may feel about this, but have you considered going into the military? It can help you in many ways, not the least of which is helping you with your education and keeping you in a positive atmosphere until the job market and economy recovers. Who knows, you may like it and decide upon making it your career. Whatever you ultimately decide, I wish you the best of luck.

:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: :dblthumb2::dblthumb2: