Landed new Job


New member
Aug 3, 2011
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I have landed a job after being laid off for more than a year. At 53 years old it sure has been a tough road looking for a job.

I have excepted the position of Quality Control Engineer for an manufacturing plant. The company makes micro switches and control panels for trains and train stations. They are used here in the USA and Europe.

I will start on Monday. So I am refreshing my skills with ISO 9001 Quality processes that I will be implementing into the companies system.

Any of you that are out of work please don't give up. If an old man like me can find a job. It proves that persistence pays off.

Glad to here you went back to work....I know how you feel......was laid off for over a year....went back to work this past laid off again last week!

Congrats on landing the job...and good luck!
I have landed a job after being laid off for more than a year. At 53 years old it sure has been a tough road looking for a job.

I have excepted the position of Quality Control Engineer for an manufacturing plant. The company makes micro switches and control panels for trains and train stations. They are used here in the USA and Europe.

I will start on Monday. So I am refreshing my skills with ISO 9001 Quality processes that I will be implementing into the companies system.

Any of you that are out of work please don't give up. If an old man like me can find a job. It proves that persistence pays off.


Great news Tom! :)

Glad to here you went back to work....I know how you feel......was laid off for over a year....went back to work this past laid off again last week!

Congrats on landing the job...and good luck!

Sorry to hear this Tim :(
aaayyyyyeeeee!!! Congrats! Next AG orders are you :xyxthumbs: just kidding. Congrats though...the thought of being laid off is scary in itself. Good luck on the new job!
Nice work!

Im jobless with a degree, not a fun feeling.
Congratulations and good luck!

I've been out of work for over 2-1/2 years. Finally decided to make it an official retirement.
Congratulations Tom!

It's great to hear good news for others!

Congratulations on getting that new job. I'm a little older than you and know exactly what you've been through.

Those who are still looking, look out for depression sneaking in on you, it's a very serious thing. It almost got me the last time.
Congrats and good luck, I know the feeling you have I was out of work for 8 months and looked everywhere even ok with relocating
Awesome... They are closing the plant where I worked for 11 years. I know of so many people out of work. It sucks.

I got lucky. Got an offer, left two weeks after they made the announcement.

Hang there everyone!!!
Those who are still looking, look out for depression sneaking in on you, it's a very serious thing. It almost got me the last time.


If any of you are fighting depression and it seems like there is no way out, send me a PM and I will be happy to try and help you.
Thank you for all your well wishes.

Since we're on the topic of people and jobs, if anyone is looking for a position, I can assist with atleast getting your resume into Lockheed's system. PM me.