I'll Never Be The Same


New member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
i'm new to this forum, and i'll never look at a car/bike the same way again.
this crew/forum has runed me for life.

i thought i had a clean car.........after reading and learning the TRUE meaning of detailing...i am never going to be the same again.

i'm working on cleaning up a '94 cobra...i could really use some direction on under the hood...

HEHE welcome to the adiction.. Feel free to ask questions.. look around.... everyone is so nice here!
Search function is your friend, not to mention we're all here for ya.

great....i think i'm in for a really bad DTD....detailing transmitted disease

thanks, i have tons of questions!!!
i'm getting a headache just thinking about all the new stuff i've got to relearn.

i'm new to this forum, and i'll never look at a car/bike the same way again.
this crew/forum has runed me for life.

It only gets worse from here on out so prepare yourself.:D
I need 10CC's of wheel cleaner stat.... hes got the disease

Welcome to the forum. you are now sick and the only cure is to detail :D
Welcome. It is a fun disease. You asked about under the hood. AG has a good "tips" section. I believe that there is a segment on engine detailing. Plus you are just in time to try a new product thats got to be good, "DP Engine Degreaser". I ordered some. It was on special with a Megs brush that I like.
Great to have you join the team! Post up some photos of your Cobra!
i'm new to this forum, and i'll never look at a car/bike the same way again.
this crew/forum has runed me for life.

i thought i had a clean car.........after reading and learning the TRUE meaning of detailing...i am never going to be the same again.

i'm working on cleaning up a '94 cobra...i could really use some direction on under the hood...


Welcome to the best addiction you could ever get. When you get the shakes you'll want to get some Souveran to cuddle up with...when you get the craves all you need are a PC and some Souveran hahahahaha wish I could say I'm joking because I'm not :D

It's funny because I used to be the same way as you, I thought that shiny was good enough but now I see swirls every where....EVERY WHERE I TELL YOU!!

Hope you enjoy your stay, if you got questions post them and don't feel bad about posting any kind of question. There are some extremely experienced guys/gals here that will be more then glad to help. I used to think that only pro's could get good results...not the case my friend...not at all.