My MF towels are shedding!


New member
Aug 29, 2011
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Noticed it the last time I washed them. Was cleaning my sunglasses when I noticed they left behind tiny microfiber hairs on the lens. Used another one to clean a windshield and had the same thing. They are the yellow short nap ones from Costco and have been washed at least 30-40 times by now. Are they junk? Prior to being Autogeek savvy, I would wash and dry them with other towels not knowing any better. Have I ruined them?
Could be they're worn. How are you washing them? I've had good results with warm wash/rinse and do a double rinse with 1/2 a cup or so of white vinegar in the first one. Have heard vinegar is supposed to help cut down on linting.
Well, before I knew better, I'd just throw them in warm water with other towels and dry on normal heat. Probably ruined them I'm guessing. Guess they'll become my wheel/tire towels.
Hope you've now corrected your machine washing techniques for microfiber towels. :)

Quality: Due to the world-wide increased demand for; and, to ship out as many MF towels as possible; many of the Korean and Chinese manufacturers are providing lesser quality versions of some MF towels by skipping the "splitting" process and are using a weave that is too wide, or a nap that is too high, which causes the fibers to shed during use, leaving a lint trail.

Also....Most high quality MF towels claim to withstand 100 or more washes before being less, or no longer, effective for their intended purpose. Since your Costco MF towels have endured 30-40 washes, being no longer effective (fibers breaking down and appearing as lint) could be one of the culprits here.

This, or the lower quality produced type of MF towel mentioned above.

Just a theory.

2 things:
Gotta wash them with only other MF towels so no lint transfers. When you dry them in the dryer, if the previous load was full of cotton towels or other fabric that sheds a lot, you can get this transfer as well.