Jeep detailing on hard tops


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May 5, 2011
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So, with my potential purchase of a new vehicle sometime soon, one of the vehicles/options I'm considering is a Wrangler with the black "splatter paint" hardtop. I'm wondering what would I use on that to protect it? I've been told wax wouldn't really work and obviously with the splatter texture there's not really the capability for any polishing either. From what I understand it actually is painted though so I wouldn't think you would use something like 303 on it. Anyone who's worked on or owns a vehicle with one of these hardtops have any suggestions? Since I don't own the vehicle it's all curiosity at this point of course.
I had an 87 Wrangler hard top for 4 years and never waxed it. Nothing but washing for me :autowash:
I have yet to find something that works for my 03 TJ hardtop. Because it's textured and satin finish, it's hard to find something that lasts. I've considered 303 but don't have any yet to try.
What about a spray sealant?
Like Wolfgang Spritz?

I had an '01 Sport with a black hard top and never put anything on it and when I traded it in in 07 it was still good as new
I had the black hard top on my 08 Wrangler but it wasn't what I considered textured. Just stock black top. I used trim sealant on it and it did great.
I have an 07 4dr hardtop. The top hasn't really been a problem. I just wash it.

The biggest issue is the rest of the black plastic trim. The whole damn Jeep is like a big Lego. My fenders, front bumpers and everything else is starting to tiger stripe. I have tried just about every product out there but mine lives outside and gets neglected sometimes. It is for sale soon so I wont stress over it.
I've always used Zymol Carbon, though any soft wax that doesn't stain trim will be fine. It does add a little bit of shine, but it seems pretty durable. For cleaning, KAIO works very well. Obviously not something you want to polish.
I've always used Zymol Carbon, though any soft wax that doesn't stain trim will be fine. It does add a little bit of shine, but it seems pretty durable. For cleaning, KAIO works very well. Obviously not something you want to polish.

Hmm, well if you actually can wax it then that's cool. I'd assume you could use something like Pinnacle Paint Cleansing Lotion on it too since it's non-abrasive. Like I said, everything I've read says that on the newer Jeeps even though it's a splatter texture it IS a paint so it seems logical you would want to use some kind of paint product on it to keep it from oxidizing/etc.
It is paint. On new ones, its actually satin looking, but as it ages it turns into an oxidized mess.
The older jeeps are satin too, and painted. I can attest to that with all the chips showing the white gelcoat I have on mine. Haven't experimented with a wax yet, but the Opticoat/Opti seal idea has merit.Need to find something that will clean up the chalky oxidation that is forming on it though. I already repainted the fendor flares for the same reason, but re-painting the hardtop is a big endeavor.
Ok adding a new detailing question to my original post here (since I labeled the thread as detailing not waxing or sealing :) ). What kind of wash media do you guys use on vehicles where you can't reach across the top with just your arm and a mitt? I have a step stool that will get me up high enough to reach the top I'm just wondering are there long handled brushes or such that would be usable?

I see some telescoping boars hair brushes in the AG store but it seems weird to me to use that on paint without scratching. It probably wouldn't show as easily on the black splatter paint style I'll have compared to the body paint matched version of the top, but I'm still concerned.
UTTG works really nice om them and has very good durability.