Clueless - Help please - Darn Rain!


New member
Aug 12, 2010
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Just took the vette out for a ride and it ended up pouring on us, It is now 8:30pm, dark, what is the best thing to do to help prevent the water spots, dirt settling, etc....or is it just as simple as wash it in the morning?

Thanks for any help, Scott
That's where my MetroVac Air Force one comes in handy. Of course, we can't even remember what rain is.
So are you saying it is good to blow it dry at this time? Thanks for responding, was just reading another thread and saw you are a Vols fan....sorry, tough year, I am a Gator so can certainly understand!
I would rinse it off before putting it in the garage then use a leaf blower
SEC people... sheesh. :doh:

Yes, I've found blowing dry works well. ONR is a good option, too.