Do the Yellow Wool Pads Cut More Than the Yellow Foam Pads? (Cyclo)


New member
Sep 26, 2010
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I was using my cyclo today and was using a yellow foam pad on my cyclo and it just wasn't taking the swirls out of a 02 Vette. I started wondering if they make a 4 inch wool pad. I came across the yellow wool pads but not sure if they are more aggressive than the foam ones. Anyone have any feedback on this?
I was using my cyclo today and was using a yellow foam pad on my cyclo and it just wasn't taking the swirls out of a 02 Vette. I started wondering if they make a 4 inch wool pad. I came across the yellow wool pads but not sure if they are more aggressive than the foam ones. Anyone have any feedback on this?

IMO....I would say YES, even if the ones you found are either:

-100% 4 ply Twisted Wool
-100% Knit Wool
-100% Lambs Wool

-Blended Knit Wool/Foam
-Blended Wool/Foam 4 Ply Twisted
-Blended Wool/Foam Single Ply

That said...IMO...To ensure as less as possible micron/mil removal of the precious clear-coat paint film.....Just use extra caution when using the "wool ones".


Definitely yes. I have used the wool Cyclo pads on my Cyclo many times for correction of some tough clears but Corvettes are in a league of their own when hard clear is concerned. I use the Cyclo wool pads with my rotary very often as well. They are tough pads but they don't last forever so I suggest ordering a few extra.