water beading while applying Meguiar's #20


New member
Nov 6, 2011
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Any reason for water to bead up while applying Meguiar's #20 sealant on gel coat? This is a brand new pad and there is little to no humidity to speak of?

Can't determine what would cause this??




It's called sweating...

It happens with some products that rely on some amount of water for a carrying agent instead of solvents. My guess this is in part because of the strict V.O.C. laws in America and specifically California.

Nothing to worry about...

Check this out, I use it every day...

How to resize your photos before uploading to a photo gallery - Using Easy Thumbnails

Here's a recent article I wrote...

If you're going to be a "Forum Person" on ANY forum, help yourself by learning how to work with picture on the Internet

.....The large file sizes were intentional here. My attempt was to updload these large files so that I could illustrate what was happening with the product.

Unfortunatley, I don't have any "everyday" computer monitors in my studio, all monitors are calibrated and color corrected on a regualr basis. So it was hard for me to determine if these images would have shown what I was attempting to demonstrate, had I FTPd a low rez file.

In the future, I'll simply put a link up to show the digital file, vs. inserting an image.


This might be a better option.
What we have here is a term used in the detailing world known as "Sweating"

It cause is mainly due to meeting the goverments VOC laws.

No need to Sweat it though. Just wipe off as you normaly would. You might need an addition towel

Hope I have been of help to you

Flash :)

.....The large file sizes were intentional here. My attempt was to updload these large files so that I could illustrate what was happening with the product.

Unfortunatley, I don't have any "everyday" computer monitors in my studio, all monitors are calibrated and color corrected on a regualr basis. So it was hard for me to determine if these images would have shown what I was attempting to demonstrate, had I FTPd a low rez file.

In the future, I'll simply put a link up to show the digital file, vs. inserting an image.


This might be a better option.

Dang!!! You sound like you know what your doing ^

Welcome from Memphis :welcome:
.....The large file sizes were intentional here. My attempt was to updload these large files so that I could illustrate what was happening with the product.

Unfortunatley, I don't have any "everyday" computer monitors in my studio, all monitors are calibrated and color corrected on a regualr basis. So it was hard for me to determine if these images would have shown what I was attempting to demonstrate, had I FTPd a low rez file.

In the future, I'll simply put a link up to show the digital file, vs. inserting an image.


This might be a better option.

Has your question...."Any reason for water to bead up while applying Meguiar's #20 sealant on gel coat?"... Been sufficiently answered?

(IMO, Mike Phillips & Flash pretty much nailed it)

Best Regards,

"I am 'everyday' people" ~ Sly & the Family Stone

It has, no need to worry apparently.

Much appreciate the assistance!!

Has your question...."Any reason for water to bead up while applying Meguiar's #20 sealant on gel coat?"... Been sufficiently answered?

(IMO, Mike Phillips & Flash pretty much nailed it)

Best Regards,

"I am 'everyday' people" ~ Sly & the Family Stone

In the future, I'll simply put a link up to show the digital file, vs. inserting an image.


This might be a better option.

Here's one of your pictures that I downloaded, cropped out the fluff just leaving the meat of the picture and the resized to 800 pixels wide, it still gets the point across and no one has to horizontal scroll to see the entire picture...


In the future, I'll simply put a link up to show the digital file, vs. inserting an image.


This might be a better option.

You choice, if you read enough of my posts you'll see I offer a few tips to anyone posting pictures just to help out...

I post a lot of pictures to forums and a good rule of thumb is to resize to 800 pixels wide so your reader doesn't have to horizontal scroll. I discuss this in-depth in one of the links I provided above...

Just a friendly tip to anyone reading this that works with photos on discussion forums...

yep same thing happens to me with mg#20. mike phillips gave the perfect advice! he always does give great advice anyways! now you know you have just teased us with those pics, we need some pics of the boat itself!