How do I clean my exractor sprayer tip?


New member
Apr 19, 2010
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It's a Durrmaid with a little gray screw-in tip. It started spraying erratically, then I tried soaking it in CLR thinking that would clear any lime scale and now it won't spray at all.

Apparently I need to use distilled water. Dang- yet another expense.
Ya I use distilled water only in mine. Soak it in vinegar. That has helped me and run a mixture of DI water and vinegar through the machine to clean it out
My Mytee Lite did that too. I don't use distilled water either. But I remove the tip, clean it with vinegar and run vinegar through the machine, which actually helps with foaming too. Sometimes I have a particle in the tip which I pick out with a small knife or metal pick.