MF as a rinseless wash media


New member
Sep 21, 2011
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still building experience with rinseless washing. tried a long nap MF as the wash media. worked great. ive tried LC Blue sponge and dreadlock chenille mitt. i really like the MF because you can work the media into all the little spaces and contours. but most of all, i really like that with a MF folded into quarters you have many more clean surfaces on the wash media to work with (vs two on the sponge and mitt). that and ive got 10 nice long nap MFs in my arsenal.

I also tried a method i saw on autopia. initial wash with mf, rinse mf in rinse bucket and wring out, use same mf to dry car, then follow with a final dry with guzzler. this kept my guzzler really dry and worked well in terms of efficiency/speed. though i wonder if using the wash mf in a rung out state exposes the paint to an increased risk of swirling (probably it does). so maybe adding a 3rd mf for initial drying (another method ive seen described here) is the way to go.
I like the Bone. Gives you both long nap MF and the pressure relieving/fluid carrying ability of a sponge.
I really like using a mf towel too. I think it cleans nicely and I've tried the method of wringing it out to partially dry the panel and I haven't noticed any swirling or marring caused by this method
I like the Bone. Gives you both long nap MF and the pressure relieving/fluid carrying ability of a sponge.

i've heard a lot of recommendations for the time it's on BOGO, i'm gonna try it out. buying it on BOGO is my way of justifying something i don't need :)

I really like using a mf towel too. I think it cleans nicely and I've tried the method of wringing it out to partially dry the panel and I haven't noticed any swirling or marring caused by this method

MF's are going to be my wash media for rinseless now. i think i'll keep doing it with the wringing method since it makes for good workflow. i really like the feel of the washing with the MF too. very pliable and shape conforming. and a thick MF holds quite a bit of liquid.
Yep. That is how I wound up with 6 of them!

I use long nap MFs for waterless for the reasons you state.
i've heard a lot of recommendations for the time it's on BOGO, i'm gonna try it out. buying it on BOGO is my way of justifying something i don't need :).

LOL I feel the same way! So I got 6 of the Dodo waxes that were BOGO and when I told my girlfriend last night she gave me that face (I think you all know what face I'm talking about) and I tried to explain to her since they were buy one get one free thats 50% off, so I bought 3 and got 150% off! LOL She didn't buy into it

I've tried a handful of different media for rinseless washes. The last one I use the Lake Country Blue wash sponge. Worked pretty well, I'll have to try out the bone next.
Thats like my wife coming home after spending $500 and saying...."but I saved a bunch of money as it was 35% off"....nice try though.
I feel the same way. I always recommend a plush mf towel for use if using a rinsless wash.
I'm still new to the WW using ONR only having done it a few times. I've been using a synthetic chinelle style wash mit which holds a lot of solution. The thing that I find though is it gets really dirty looking even after rubbing it on a grit gaurd. In fact half way though the wash I took it in and cleaned it. My drying towels are remaining clean so I know the dirt is coming off but is this normal? After doing the car last night I needed to wash the mit in dawn to get it clean again rinsing it out had no effect on the stuck on dirt.
I'm still new to the WW using ONR only having done it a few times. I've been using a synthetic chinelle style wash mit which holds a lot of solution. The thing that I find though is it gets really dirty looking even after rubbing it on a grit gaurd. In fact half way though the wash I took it in and cleaned it. My drying towels are remaining clean so I know the dirt is coming off but is this normal? After doing the car last night I needed to wash the mit in dawn to get it clean again rinsing it out had no effect on the stuck on dirt.

When I used a chinelle style wash mit it turned out the same way. I have since switched media. I feel like it doesn't work best with WW
i've heard a lot of recommendations for the time it's on BOGO, i'm gonna try it out. buying it on BOGO is my way of justifying something i don't need :)

MF's are going to be my wash media for rinseless now. i think i'll keep doing it with the wringing method since it makes for good workflow. i really like the feel of the washing with the MF too. very pliable and shape conforming. and a thick MF holds quite a bit of liquid.

I have some thick Eurow towels with long nap that work great. I wish I had bought more of them. I've used them for waterless washes too
This is the reason i bought the chinchilla MF. That plus its on sale. Plus free shpping. Plus i love Autogeek:xyxthumbs:
Thanks shoeless. Glad I only did it a few times. So the MF towels stay clean then in comparison. I have a few fluffy green ones I got somewhere else but didn't want to ruin them washing cars they weren't exactly cheap. Maybe then I should just dedicate one to ONR duty only.
Thanks shoeless. Glad I only did it a few times. So the MF towels stay clean then in comparison. I have a few fluffy green ones I got somewhere else but didn't want to ruin them washing cars they weren't exactly cheap. Maybe then I should just dedicate one to ONR duty only.

I thought they would hold dirt too it they rinse out really well. On a few spots I checked the towel closely to make sure it came clean since you can fold it you have more sides to work with too
I feel the same way. I always recommend a plush mf towel for use if using a rinsless wash.

Corey, don't you find that using a mf for a rinse-less wash (ONR) tends to trap dirt in the mf?Feed back please
I think all the suggestions for Rinseless are effective. I also like the Opti Mitt, especially on horizontal surfaces. For Waterless I ONLY use Long Pile MF. The Chinchilla will be superb for WW IMO..
Corey, don't you find that using a mf for a rinse-less wash (ONR) tends to trap dirt in the mf?Feed back please
Ron, I always hose the cars off before I use ONR so I dont see an aabnormal dirt build up on the MF.
exactly what i use. work great for the rinseless wash. i did use them for wax app and buff but they were really sticky and left a lot of residue and lint. even after washing. did u find that with yours? maybe my batch only. they do work great wet though.