Yesss! No longer a virgin.


New member
Nov 9, 2011
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So... after reading and reading, then buying some stuff, I am no longer a DA virgin. Just like the first time, I took it slow and looked over the machine. I turned it on just to see how she would feel. After cleaning a small portion of my hood, then claying, I proceeded. I started out with Griots Orange Pad and Machine polish 3. I remember to place the pad on the car first and then turning the G6 on. The sensation it made in my hands, the sound it made on the car sent tingles through my body. The cord draping over my shoulder kept wiggling free. Machine Polish 3 didn't work out so good. I decided to try the 105/205 combo I've been reading about so much. That worked better. So, I will do the whole car tomorrow. I notice that I have a lot of learning to do, and it seems that I can't get it to 100%. One thing i know for sure is that I will look better than it does now.
This was how she looked like in 2000

Came in today so I wanted to play with it.

1/3 of the hood. I didn't have any masking tape.


Still not perfect, but better.

So I am thinking tomorrow when I have more time. I will do the following.
  1. Clean the engine bay and dress.
  2. Wash the car with Dawn to remove wax using the 2 bucket system with grit guards.
  3. Clean wheels with Daytona Wheel Brushes using Meguires All Wheel cleaner
  4. Dry
  5. Clay
  6. 105
  7. 205
  8. Blackfire All Paint Protection
  9. Either DP, Souveran or Megs Ulitmate Wax.
  10. Dress tires and rim. Using Armor All Extreme Tire Shine gel.
Is there anything you would do different? Instead of Blackfire, I also have Klasse SG. Thanks. The Auto Geek forum has quickly become one of my favorite.
I would either layer DP or Souveran on top of 2 coats of BFWD (Blackfire Wet Diamond). Otherwise, your process looks good.

I assume you are using the Tangerine and Crimson HT's I see in the photo?
Welcome to the addiction. Take it slow, practice your technique on small test spots and don't worry about getting everything done in one day. You're about to discover detailing done right is more time consuming and more work than you thought. As your skills improve over time you'll work faster with better results.

When your car is perfect and you can't imagine anything could make it look better continue to buy products and tools you don't need so you can be broke like the rest of us. Then watch for the sale that starts the day after you make a large order. :doh:

ug I see best of show wax...

best to do a small section through wipe off if you ever intend to use that. It hasn't gotten very good reviews from what I've read...
I would either layer DP or Souveran on top of 2 coats of BFWD (Blackfire Wet Diamond). Otherwise, your process looks good.

I assume you are using the Tangerine and Crimson HT's I see in the photo?
Yes I am.
Welcome to the addiction. Take it slow, practice your technique on small test spots and don't worry about getting everything done in one day. You're about to discover detailing done right is more time consuming and more work than you thought. As your skills improve over time you'll work faster with better results.

When your car is perfect and you can't imagine anything could make it look better continue to buy products and tools you don't need so you can be broke like the rest of us. Then watch for the sale that starts the day after you make a large order. :doh:

Thanks for the advice. I do agree with you on going broke. I had to resist when they had the "no minimum" free shipping promo.

ug I see best of show wax...

best to do a small section through wipe off if you ever intend to use that. It hasn't gotten very good reviews from what I've read...
Thanks I'll keep that in mind.
Great writeup. Im still a newbie learning and doing it all manual or using a random orbit buffer until I can afford my DA and the pads etc. So far we have had 2 warmer than normal days and I was able to wash, clay, compound, and wax my 96 Cobra, 90 Ranger, and earlier my wife's 98 Volvo Wagon. Next warm day I hope to tackle my Mother in laws much neglected 2002 Camry. At this point I don't have the tools for real correction so I'm just hoping to get a good cleaning and wax to protect for the winter.

But back to OP. Your posting read like soft core porn. Did you write for Playboy before detailing your 1st car?
Slow and Easy wins the race!!! You have lost your virginity again, now listen to the ones that have dared tread these waters before. Nice moves, good product, slow and easy, will get the results you are looking for!!!
When your car is perfect and you can't imagine anything could make it look better continue to buy products and tools you don't need so you can be broke like the rest of us. Then watch for the sale that starts the day after you make a large order. :doh:



Welcome to the addiction man! :buffing:
Excellent first detail!

Now, enjoy the addiction and the poverty.
Whew....a lot of work... Just got one side to finish 205 then I will dust the car off and black fire goes on. Pictures will be up tomorrow or Sunday.
Whew....a lot of work... Just got one side to finish 205 then I will dust the car off and black fire goes on. Pictures will be up tomorrow or Sunday.

If the dust was from 105 you might consider rewashing prior to sealing. The dust gets in the nooks and crannies and can really negatively impact an otherwise excellent detail. 205 leaves quite a bit of polishing oils on the surface as well. Waxes and sealants bond best on clean surfaces.

Waitin' for the pics!

If the dust was from 105 you might consider rewashing prior to sealing. The dust gets in the nooks and crannies and can really negatively impact an otherwise excellent detail. 205 leaves quite a bit of polishing oils on the surface as well. Waxes and sealants bond best on clean surfaces.

Waitin' for the pics!

Crap... I used my compressor to blast off the dust, then wiped it with a mf towel. No more dust, but didn't know about the oil of the 205. I've read that after 205 it was LSP or was it LSP? Oh well I've Blackfired the car and will buff it off tomorrow then do another coat of BF topping off with sourveron. Do I really need to wait that long in between coats? I've read any where from a few hours to overnight.
One question, do you guys keep your detailing stuff from freezing? I just grab the majority of my stuff and brought it in from the garage. It's getting really cold here in CT.
One question, do you guys keep your detailing stuff from freezing?

I just leave it in it's cabinet in the insulated, heated garage......with drains and hot n cold running water. :) If I had to choose between a house or a comfy garage I'd take the garage... a cot and a microwave and what else do you really need?

Crap... I just read up on taking "prep all" to remove the polish that filled the paint chips. Totaly forgot about glaze.
Done... Here are the pictures as promised. She is not 100%, but she is definitely a lot better. I notice where it had paint chips and spider cracks, it quickly filled up with polishing compounds. After applying Souveran most of the white residue disappeared.
I did not do shots of the interior because it is kept pretty clean.

Dirty Car

Clean Car

Rear Bumper, Dirtiest Part

Getting ready for polish


Roof Done

Bad Scratch

Bad Scratch After
I did the best I could.

Dirty Engine Bay


Cleaner Engine Bay
I would love to try out Hyper Dressing. I used armor all.

Oxidized Trunk
Trunk was the worst part, it was badly oxidized. The shiny circle was a test polish by hand with Meg's Ultimate compound.



As of right now, the car is as good as ever. Paint is super smooth now. At least wherever there is not paint chips. LOL.

Reflecting back...
It was a lot of work, but after how it came out, It was worth it. I put about 9 hours of work into it. Does waiting in between coats of BlackFire count? BlackFire went on easy and even after sitting on all night came off super easy as well. Souveran also went on easy and came off the same way. I'm impressed by the way Souveran hid the fine scratches. I also used Meg's Ultimate Black on with wind shield cowl and other black plastic exterior pieces. I used Eagle One Never Dull on the muffler tip.
I will try my best with Winter approaching to keeping her clean so that I may never have to do this much work again.
So how did I do?
Now when I drive around all I do a look at other peoples' swirls. I've been bitten bad.:buffing:
Pretty decent results For a first attempt, especially considering you're handicapped by clear coat failure and some things you just aren't going to be able to improve upon. You also now realize how much time and effort goes into some of the writeups you see.

So, how'd those wheels clean up?

Now when I drive around all I do a look at other peoples' swirls. I've been bitten bad.:buffing:
Just wait.... you're just getting started. It gets worse. :eek:
