Car Shampoo that quickly oxidizes ...


New member
Jan 5, 2011
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Is it just me or have others found that after a day or two thAt beaming slick and shiny look fades away .. I'm Guessing some manufacturers add glossing agents to boost the shine and then after a day or two in the sun they wEar off and I like to say they "oxidize" As i think the sun eats them up ...
Soaps that I've used that I can say I see this on are
gold class
DP foam (green minty smell)
CG wash n gloss
Megs Shampoo plus

The one that I think that stands away from the pack and gets more than a 48 hour shine would be AquaWax ... And I'd put this at about 4-5 days
Anyone else feel this? anyone see other soaps last longer?
soaps shouldn't be changing the way the paint looks...they are there to clean the paint gently and keep the lsp of choice in place. If you want a long lasting shine, perform proper paint correction and apply a quality lsp.
Fred the last I knew Aquawax was wax and not shampoo.........that being said IF you were refering to DG901 I think it lasts the longest of all of the ones you listed.

DG is my go to soap always......but I always follow up with something...Like Aquawax or megs synthetic(d156?)
Soaps do add some pop to the finish ...and Bobby yes I was referring to Duragloss 901 my bad
soaps shouldn't be changing the way the paint looks...they are there to clean the paint gently and keep the lsp of choice in place. If you want a long lasting shine, perform proper paint correction and apply a quality lsp.

Tons of car wash soaps have gloss enhancers. Some like them some don't. DG 901 is the longest lasting I've used. I have not tried something like sour power yet though.
I dont quite understand what you are getting at OP.

Ive used the DP foam that you mentioned and I havn't experienced a loss in gloss.
Is it just me or have others found that after a day or two thAt beaming slick and shiny look fades away .. I'm Guessing some manufacturers add glossing agents to boost the shine and then after a day or two in the sun they wEar off and I like to say they "oxidize" As i think the sun eats them up ...

anyone see other soaps last longer?

An excellent, and, very thought provoking thread/post on your part!

I have to say that your perspective on:

The decomposition of surfactants, detergents, soap, car wash shampoos, car wash shampoos with wax, etc., through the Ultra-violet oxidation process, is something I've never gave much thought or weight to....Interesting proposition/theory!

Perhaps particular car wash shampoos, with or without wax/gloss enhancers, and depending on the rinsing processes one uses, do leave a "film" of some sort upon the vehicle's paint (or LSP'd paint) surface.

Now, supposing that the chemicals in the above mentioned "film" could act as photo-catalysts, then this may accelerate the oxidation of any car wash media, such as shampoos, and contribute to their longevity (or lack thereof).

But I believe this type of photocatalytic UV oxidation process would also then be applicable to most any car wax, sealant, and, as it's been documented, even the paint itself if left unprotected.

That's why applying a sacrificial barriers, (renewable at different time intervals)....LSP so paramount to maintaining a vehicle's paint for as long as possible.

That, and, as has already been mentioned, proper prepping [cleaning/washing, polishing, for example].

I don't believe car washing shampoos/shampoos-with-waxes will provide such protection....sacrificial barriers, per se. {Goes towards my answering your question: "anyone see other soaps last longer?

But I also believe that they (car washing media and their 'residues') will undergo the "oxidation process" does everything else under this Earth's sun.

{Just make sure to remove as much of the car washing media as possible off the vehicle, during the rinsing process; dry with the best processes; and, either apply a quick detail spray/detail spray wax product; or, re-new the LSP, if need be.}

Therefore, and in conclusion, IMHO, your "oxidation" theory as how it relates to car washing media has merit.


Bob that's exactly what I was thinking as well! But in about 60 words LOL
awesome to see the passion and thoughts spinning in the noggin!
And to be perfectly honest I only gave a rats butt about it after the "new local distributor" pitched his wash and wax product to me and explained the oxidation process that I had never really given much consideration... Now having said that im torn between a wash and wax product and a shampoo plus spray wax... Yes wash and wax combos might save a few mins in not having to QD/SW the whole car but I me we dry streak free while just "drying"... I get about 90% and then come back with a dry mF and UQW and finish it out ... Plus this step probably gets more than 48 hours of shine but that's another test ...
Thanks Bob
(degrading wax/gloss enhancers) This is actually something that G wash says as part of their marketing to sell you on G Wash. If you want a wash with gloss enhancement specifically designed I always recommend DG or Dodo sour power. Personally there's only one wash and wax I've ever used that I saw negative effects from. torn between a wash and wax product and a shampoo plus spray wax...

Note: Now this is just me and my mindset!

The jury is still out on whether I will remain skeptical, or not, about a product that says it's a 2-in-1-fer, say, like a "wax-as-you-wash" car shampoo. But with today's advances in technology, these types of products' DNA, when introduced as evidence, may just prove otherwise. If so...I would finally be able to free myself from these chains-of-skepticism that have held me in bondage for so long!!

Afterall (I have often pondered)...Even though it's suggested to follow-up with a dedicated LSP.....Aren't there AIO's: 3-in-1-fers? Perhaps, then (If that logic is true)...Wouldn't suggesting a follow-up with a Quik Detail Spray/Detail Spray Wax, after a vehicle wash session, also be apropos?

[I partly place the 'blame' for the above affliction/bondage to QDing on the Meguiar family and their line-up offerings of their quick-detail-products over the years. :D]


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