What's on My Paint?


New member
Oct 30, 2011
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Dear Experienced Detailers

What's on my paint?

I pulled my slick-as-a-baby's-butt Odyssey out of the garage this afternoon to glaze its wheels. I pulled it out of the garage because it was too dark in our garage for me to see what I was doing. Before glazing I washed and dried the wheels.

As I was drying the wheels, my father-in-law pulled up to look at our garage so he could figure out what kind and how much lighting we needed.

I began glazing the wheels while he went to Lowe's to get three (so we'd have a total of four) shop lights with dual fluorescent bulbs. He was back in thirty minutes, which is about how long it took me to glaze three wheels. I helped him install the lights by handing him anchors and screws, and then we were ready for the big finale—seeing how much light would shine on the van. Well, that part was amazing. I can see now, even better than outside.

I saw some debris on the roof of the van, which was very clean when I pulled it outside. The debris was something that'd fallen from some nearby trees. There must have been a thousand of tiny brown pieces all over the van. Fortunately, the stuff didn't stick and just fanning a microfiber towel over the paint got rid of the stuff.

But now my paint feels prickly. I can't see anything in the paint, but when I glide my fingers over the paint I can feel it. It feels almost like it needs to shave. And when I glide a clean microfiber over it, I can hear the little prickly things making contact with the microfiber.

Is this sap? If not, what do you think it is? Is there a quick and easy fix?

Thanks in advance for sharing your wisdom.
Its sap

Why did you glaze your wheels? A sealant would work better
Don't get too carried away trying to remove it without washing first. I've been surprised by the sap that Duragloss 901 or Griot's Soap can remove.
Don't get too carried away trying to remove it without washing first. I've been surprised by the sap that Duragloss 901 or Griot's Soap can remove.

:iagree: Nothing a good wash won't remove :autowash:

You'll learn to hate trees as your desease progress's :help:
Dear Friends

Thanks for responding. It seems I took one step forward and two steps backward.

Honestly, Flash, I thought it was sealer until I read the jar. I bought this intending to seal the wheels.

Believe it or not, I'm trying to do work to prevent work. I want those wheel in good shape so brake dust is easily removed.

So which wheel sealant should I purchase?

My game plan for the sap is to wash the van and then use Elastrofoam wherever I find the prickly stuff remaining.

I'll refrain from profanity but that van wasn't outside even two hours. That's so frustrating.
Dear Flash

:iagree: Nothing a good wash won't remove :autowash:

You'll learn to hate trees as your desease progress's :help:

Yessirree. I hate anything that creates work.

Thanks again for responding. When you're swimming in an ocean of ignorance, a life preserver is a dandy gift.
What's on my paint?

....my paint feels prickly. I can't see anything in the paint, but when I glide my fingers over the paint I can feel it. It feels almost like it needs to shave. And when I glide a clean microfiber over it, I can hear the little prickly things making contact with the microfiber.

Is this sap?

Yes. More Than Likely.

So you think it needs a shave.....Try this....it'll shave those little pricks-ly down in a hurry :D:

American International Tool Industries, Inc. LLC | Makers of the Paint Shaver Pro

Seriously though.
....As others have said:

-Wash the vehicle first
-Clay if needed (perhaps a tar-remover instead?)
-Repolish if deemed necessary
-Re-apply your LSP


best kept secret for sticky sap- RAIN-X

Trust me, it melts sap right off the paint, while at the same time safe for your clear-coat. Just make sure to have a towel handy. The alcohol content of the Rain X breaks apart the sap, and loosens it from the paint surface. Only problem is, the sap will just roll to another portion of the paint if you don't wipe it off quickly enough haha
Dear AudiTTman

Thanks very much for responding. I'll keep that in mind if washing it doesn't take off the sap.

I'm the real sap here.

Outside glazing wheels when I thought I was sealing them, getting the van covered with sap the whole time.

But now I have light in our garage and won't have to take it outside for such chores again.
Dear Friends

The sap wiped right off with Detailer's Pro Series Waterless Wash.

I was elated.

The stuff was all over our van.

The first swipe across a surface produced a scratching noise on the microfiber towel. The second swipe did not. And it was as simple as that.

If only all things in life were as simple.