Lexus RX350 - Christmas Cleanup - Dec 2011


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Aug 13, 2010
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In order to comply with my best understanding of the AGO forum rules, products used in this detail that are not sold by PBMA or it’s associates have been [Redacted] from this review.

This is a re-visit of a vehicle that I cleaned up and protected when it was new just slightly more than a year ago. After a year of daily driving it was ready for some work to bring it back up to pristine standards.

Usually I do not detail this late in the year (unless they are my own vehicles) but the offer of a heated garage with hot water supply was too tempting, and I somehow managed to pack up enough of my gear to go mobile
for this job :D

Products Used:

Optimum Car Wash Concentrate
2 5/Gal buckets with Grit Guards
Wheel Woolies
Daytona Speed Master Brushes
Mothers long handle wheel brush

DP Poli Clay
OPC 3:1
UWW+ (clay lube)
Scrub brush

Flex PE14 rotary
Flex 3401 VRG DA
LC Tangerine Hydro Tech Pads
[Redacted] Towels
Car Pro Eraser
Menzerna Power Finish
Green Wolfgang Finger Mitt (tight areas, door handles, and some pillars).
Menzerna SIP (Door handles and pillars).

OPC 3:1
1’’ Bores hair brush

Car Pro Foam Block
Car Pro suede MF
Optimum Opti-Coat
Cotton applicators
DP Gloss Tire Gel
Foam Applicators

This is what the car looked like September 2010:

The condition of the vehicle before detailing:


Mmm Tar :(




Nice and dirty wheels




The usual fingernail scratches under the door handles

During the wash :wash: I found that using hot water is FANTASTIC :gidiup: I need to install a hot water tap in my garage :working: It made things pretty humid and pretty soon I was washing in a cloud so I had to open a door and help release some of the moisture.


During the claying process I was surprised by the amount of bonded contamination. This is the first car in a while that I have clayed without using Iron-X on first (no chance I was going to use Iron-X Spray in an enclosed space) and I think it just is a indicator of how much junk Iron-X removes. On my last panel I also dropped the clay :awman: :( :( :(. From three point land, he makes the shot into the trash!

Now that the car had been washed, clayed, and dried it was time to pull it out in the sun and get a read on the paint. I found that this color of vehicle is extremely difficult to see / photograph defects on, so I did as best I could to get pictures. In words the paint was what I would consider to be very good, light scratching but fairly infrequent. The paint mostly just lacked a nice glossy finish. The worst damage was due to use of an Ice Scraper which was beyond buffing out :cyring:

Ice Scraper Damage:


Correction :buffing: -

Given the good condition of the paint I tried PO85RD on CCS White, then on Tangerine, however that combination was just not quite enough to get out some of the RIDS. After some experimentation I ended up using Power Finish on the Hydro tech Tangerine pads, and it worked down flawlessly.

Comparison (unpolished tape line on the right):

Me hard at work:

Time for a water break :)

I am glad Meghan got my shirt mishap figured out :D

An overheated Flex :( --

As I was working on polishing out the car I noticed that my PE14 was starting to get quite warm in my hands so I checked to make sure that the vents were still pushing air while the tool was running and that nothing appeared to be broken or sound wrong, so I kept going. A short time later, at a point where the tool was almost uncomfortably hot to hold any longer my PE14 went into a ‘limp’ mode where it would only run at the minimum speed regardless of the speed setting. I had my IR thermometer and took a few measurements.



At the hottest point the PE14 was close to 200 degrees F :madl: to put this into context I took a quick read of my 500W halogen lamps:

That’s right, my polisher was running just about as hot as my halogens :eek: :shock:

Though I really wanted to continue with the rotary, I had to let it sit and cool down, so I was very thankful that I had also brought along my Flex 3401 to help out with some of the more difficult areas, and got it fired up. I immediately missed the smoothness and feel of the rotary, but I had to keep powering on. I was reminded of a few things using the DA, such as that Menzerna polishes dust a lot more on the DA than the rotary. After letting the PE14 sit for about an hour and a half while I knocked out the plastic bumpers and tight spots with the 3401, I was back in business, and although the PE14 got fairly warm again I was able to finish up the polishing without it taking a break on me. I will followup with what I find out about the polisher for those that are curious.

With the polishing done, it was time to attack the trim, and I was excited to see how a product new to me would perform, [Redacted]. Chrome plastic was cleaned up later with finger pocket and SIP.

*Image Redacted.

Trim surface was prepped with OPC 3:1 then given a final wipe down with Eraser. In this picture the trim on the left of the gap has been treated, the section on the right has not.

I couldn’t get over how amazing [Redacted] looked on the trim, and I ended up taking a lot of shots of it! Application was very easy using the supplied cotton applicators and giving a quick final buff with a MF


After a thorough cleaning with Eraser, the paint was protected with Opti-Coat. Again application was a snap and when working on this light color that was hard to see, I used the ‘Rasky’ method of gilding a MF towel over the applied areas to make sure there were no high spots, and it came out beautifully! Opti-Coat is really my go to LSP these days. [Redacted]. Windshield and all plastics were also treated with OC.

Now for some sun shots!! :woo:



I love how that trim looks!













My attempt at being mobile :D (this is only about half of it)

Finishing touches for the holidays:

Before and after section:



Great job on the detail Bill!!! You made a light color like that pop! The reflections are amazing!
Seeing "Polk" on the plate makes me miss Des Moines! =*(. Anyway, awesome work! That trim stuff did a great job and I bet would do my bed rail caps wonders!

Liked the "finishing touch" of the bow!
Seeing "Polk" on the plate makes me miss Des Moines! =*(. Anyway, awesome work! That trim stuff did a great job and I bet would do my bed rail caps wonders!

Liked the "finishing touch" of the bow!
Looks like you are quite a ways from Des Moines :( But you are closer to Autogeek ;)

Great job on the detail Bill!!! You made a light color like that pop! The reflections are amazing!
Thanks Marc
Looks good, and looks like GTechniq C4 did a great job for you too! ;)

(I find it rather sad that things here would have to be so petty as to forbid you from posting part of your write-up due to the "rules" -- if you used the product, it worked well, and you think others would be interested, this forum is the best way to let the PBMG staff know that you'd like to see them carry it in the future.)

You planning to send the PE14 back under warranty for repair or replacement?
You planning to send the PE14 back under warranty for repair or replacement?

I need to call Flex and pick their brain. I was lucky enough to order one of the first 50 (I have #45) so I don't want to replace it and loose my low serial number, so repair would be the option (or correcting operator error if that is the cause).
Awesome work Bill!!!! I saw this on L2D but wanted to take another gander so looking at it here now. Making a color like that pop and show those reflections is truly special :). LOVE the trim work! It looks incredible. I hope the Flex story ends well :( you were really mastering that puppy quick. They need to do whatever they have to to keep your Serial number and fix it no charge.

Your photos and writeup are always a treat!!! and

Love this picture too :)
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Looks awesome Bill. How does it feel to haul your stuff around to detail!?

Love the finishing touch on the steering wheel.
Hey Bill,

Initially I saw a plain looking car without a lot of dazzle but the after shots make it look like a completely different vehicle. The Lexus now glows with a crystal clear shine, unbelievably gorgeous! :props:

My Flex machines also run hot. I'm not sure what the actual temperature is but they are very warm to the touch. I operate my PE14 with the side handle so my hands are away from the business area.

This isn't the first time this has come up and I'd be very interested in Flex's response. You might want to have a discussion with Mike, Matt, or Nick at Autogeek and get their take on this...:props:
Great work and superb writeup!!

I like the bow on the steering wheel!