Your process for using a quick detailer


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Oct 30, 2011
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What is your process for using a quick detailer? Are you having to use multiple towels (one for an initial wipe and one for a buffing after that?) Are you using more than one (or one set) of towels to wipe down a car? Is there anything specific that you do to ensure that you don't get streaking or spots that look like they haven't been completely wiped off?

(I'm struggling right now with quick detailers...getting alot of 'film' that, in sunlight, is an eyesore worse than swirl marks. What I've been doing is spraying a section with one spray in sort of a sweeping pass...using a microfiber to wipe it/spread it...then flip the microfiber and buff it clean OR use another, dryer towel for same. The result is that 95% of the paint surfaces look perfect while the other 5% look like I didn't wipe the quick detailer off good enough. I think what's happening is that the end of each section I work is having that film look and it gets to be like chasing my tail...wipe over a little bit further and I've got the filmy look at the end of that section...wipe that and I've got more at the end of that. And if I accidentally bump a section I've already done with one of my towels I get the same thing. I'm guessing that the less than 40 degree temperatures are a big part of the cause, but I feel like if I can get 95% looking great I have to be able to get the other 5% if I figure out a method that works. Until it snows I want my cars to look good! :-) )
What is your process for using a quick detailer? Are you having to use multiple towels (on I'm guessing that the less than 40 degree temperatures are a big part of the cause, but I feel like if I can get 95% looking great I have to be able to get the other 5% if I figure out a method that works. Until it snows I want my cars to look good! :-) )

What quick detailer(s) are you using? What kind of towel are you using? I think the only quick detailer I have found that does not seem to be bothered by cold temperatures is Dodo Juice Basics of Bling. I went outside just now to confirm this. It is about 40 degrees outside right now, about 73% humidity. I used one of my favorite towels, the Cobra Gold Plush Jr., and did a quick detail on my driver side front quarter panel and the hood of my car. Just a few spritzes per section, wiped it in, turned the towel over and buffed it off. Checked with the Brinkmann and under the floodlights - no streaking. Tried to do half the trunk lid with Optimum Instant Detailer with a fresh towel - not gonna happen. Kept streaking. Went over that same area with Basics of Bling - no streaks. Finished up the rest of the trunk lid. I'd give that a try. I think Basics of Bling is on back order right now, but try to get yourself a bottle on your next order. It's on sale for $10.99 right now, and a little goes a long way. Great product - you'll love it!

By the way, I only use about 2 towels to do the whole car. But that is after I have washed the car, so I'm working on a clean surface. If the surface is lightly soiled you will need more than two towels, of course.
IME, qd doesn't work all that great unless wax is on the car. When's the last time you put a coat of wax on?

I've used poorboys qd and megs qd and both have sometimes done just as you say when the wax was due for a new coat.

Plus, you don't use fabric softener in your mf towels right?
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Consider spreading the detailer with a foam applicator to get a nice thin coat and the wipe using a dry microfiber towel. The foam applicator will get primed quickly so you can use less detailer as you go.

You may need to change towels several times. You need to watch pressure when buffing since a damp towel can transfer back and you get streaks.

Some detailers just do not like warm or cold surfaces sometimes.

1. Light sweeping action spray to get light coat
2. spread with foam applicator
3. remove with dry microfiber using light pressure

My favorite easy to use detailer is Poorboy's Spray and Wipe but then it is a cleaning detailer not a gloss or slickness improver by design.
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What quick detailer(s) are you using? What kind of towel are you using? I think the only quick detailer I have found that does not seem to be bothered by cold temperatures is Dodo Juice Basics of Bling. I went outside just now to confirm this. It is about 40 degrees outside right now, about 73% humidity. I used one of my favorite towels, the Cobra Gold Plush Jr., and did a quick detail on my driver side front quarter panel and the hood of my car. Just a few spritzes per section, wiped it in, turned the towel over and buffed it off. Checked with the Brinkmann and under the floodlights - no streaking. Tried to do half the trunk lid with Optimum Instant Detailer with a fresh towel - not gonna happen. Kept streaking. Went over that same area with Basics of Bling - no streaks. Finished up the rest of the trunk lid. I'd give that a try. I think Basics of Bling is on back order right now, but try to get yourself a bottle on your next order. It's on sale for $10.99 right now, and a little goes a long way. Great product - you'll love it!

By the way, I only use about 2 towels to do the whole car. But that is after I have washed the car, so I'm working on a clean surface. If the surface is lightly soiled you will need more than two towels, of course.

Thank you for the reply. I'll order Basics of Bling as soon as I find it to be available.

As far as what quick detailers I'm using: Ultima WW+, Optimimum ID, Duragloss Aquawax, and Poorboys QD+ (and last night I ordered FK425 and Duragloss FC&S.) In order of effectiveness in the cold (from my experience so far): Poorboys QD+, Ultima WW+, Aquawax, OID. (I wasn't sure if the cold weather was a problem or not, but you confirmed it was.)

As far as what towels I've used, they've all been good microfiber towels. The ones I have are all made by Chemical Guys and I've got about 5 different 'styles.'

And the main way I'm using the above products is right after an ONR wash to bring the gloss and slickness up.

Thanks again.
IME, qd doesn't work all that great unless wax is on the car. When's the last time you put a coat of wax on?

I've used poorboys qd and megs qd and both have sometimes done just as you say when the wax was due for a new coat.

Plus, you don't use fabric softener in your mf towels right?

Two weeks ago I put Restructure Marine's 'polish' on it (*supposed* to put down a hard coating of something that lasts a few years unless abraided.) Before that I had a pretty fresh coat of Chemical Guys's Blacklight on it. Same problem with both LSP's on the car...I suppose I could give a more traditional wax a try.

I do not use fabric softener on my towels...but I also don't use a dedicated microfiber towel detergent (I just use the regular laundry detergent I use on my clothes.)
You may need to change towels several times. You need to watch pressure when buffing since a damp towel can transfer back and you get streaks.

Some detailers just do not like warm or cold surfaces sometimes.

That's EXACTLY what I think is happening...even a slightly damp towel is giving me streaks. Problem is I'd have to use like 30 towels to apply a "quick" detailer at the rate I'm going :-)

Another confirmation that quick detailers don't all like the heat or cold...I appreciate it!
My process..?..put them all in a box. Have no use for QD anymore.
I find that the PB QD+ and Aqua wax don't like colder weather. The Microfibers absorbs most of the product and the the Microfiber gets wet real quick from using these products in colder weather.

Ive been having more success with Pinnacle XMT spray wax and WG Instant Detail Spritz. Its been about 38-45 degrees out by me BTW.
Mist your towel not your car and maybe that will help some. QD's, IMO, do not like temp extremes either cold or hot. BTW mix your DG Aqua Wax with the FCS to make a really nice, slick finish that supplies protection.
I use Optimum Instant Detailer & Gloss Enhancer as a drying aid, diluted 3:1. Lightly mist each panel and dry as usual. I also use FK425 to remove finger prints and light dust. Works really well in conjunction with a California car duster. I've found that less is more when using QDs. The more you use, the more likely it is that you'll get streaks.
It sounds like you(OP) should be using a spray wax or sealant after your ONR washes if you are really trying to up the shine and add protection/boost what's there. The time it is taking you and the amount of product/towels you are using seems excessive for QD'n. I don't use nearly as much product or towels as ppl are saying on here, and I am satisfied with my results. I use every square inch of a MF towel before swapping, just always keep an eye for major dirt particles/buildup. As far as using a foam applicator to apply a QD, I would just assume be applying wax or a spray sealant at that point. Just saying.:)
I use Optimum Instant Detailer & Gloss Enhancer as a drying aid, diluted 3:1. Lightly mist each panel and dry as usual. I also use FK425 to remove finger prints and light dust. Works really well in conjunction with a California car duster. I've found that less is more when using QDs. The more you use, the more likely it is that you'll get streaks.

:iagree:, I gave my car a quick wash this morning and used FK425 after. Just have to use less product or keep some dry mf's close by.