Pre-detail questionnaire


New member
Dec 9, 2011
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I have a question: For those of you that detail full or part-time, do you have your clients complete any type of pre-detail questionnaire? I believe that this can be a valuable tool to familiarize yourself with the vehicle, meet your clients' desires and to help educate your clients. It can also be helpful when trying to sell your services.

I created a rough questionnaire. Please offer some constructive criticism.

I have a sheet they fill out with name, address, email, phone number. And then a couple key questions like how shiny they like their interior and tires.
I think this is a good idea in my mind, but i think alot of my cuztomers wouldnt wanna take the time to do it.
I think this is a good idea in my mind, but i think alot of my cuztomers wouldnt wanna take the time to do it.

This would be a GREAT tool for us, but I also agree people wouldn't like doing it. It reminds me of going to the doctor and having to fill out those forms lol

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I can't really make out those images; might be my computer. This would serve as a consent to allow you to work on their vehicle too I would think.

If it's not already there, maybe a line at the end that states something like " by signing this, you agree to let xxx perform the above service(s) ".

personally I do a walk around with the client. Ask them questions, point things and and tell about about expected outcomes, what I can do, cost, and some education. ie how often to wax, what wax does, ect.

I also asked what do they want me to focus on. most people want a shinny car.
sound good but i definitely hate filling out the questionnaires at the doctors office so i would hate to do it to have my car/truck wash n waxed
sound good but i definitely hate filling out the questionnaires at the doctors office so i would hate to do it to have my car/truck wash n waxed

Same here. Yes do it verbally and yes/no for correction work.
I think the questionnaire is a slightly good idea, but I would not use it. Maybe a checklist of what you have done to the vehilce would be better. This way you could go over it with the customer at the time of delivery. I would rather WOW them with the work, and have them say " You do that?" when they see what you can do, or have done.
Thank you for the comments. I too dislike filling-out paper work. The pre-detail form would be optional for clients. I always do a one-on-one discussion/vehicle inspection prior to detail with the client. I have a checklist that I personally use as we go over the vehicle - with somewhat similar questions to the form I created for clients. It has worked well.

I want my clients experience to be special. I want them to walkaway feeling that they received not only a great detail, but personal attention. Mind you, I am not a production detailer. I have done a few vehicles a year for the past several years. I am going to begin to take on a few more this spring and summer. I have detailed a few daily-drivers, but the majority of my work has been performed on what many would consider
their mid-life crisis vehicle.

Thank you again for the suggestions,