My bank...

DS Detailer

New member
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Just got robbed. I was in there, and I came out of the parking lot, and was on my way home... After like 5 minutes, I was stuck at police check point. They asked where i was coming from... and I said... "The Bank..." That was a disaster. After a few other questions I was allowed to go. But the whole way home I was like... "Darn, I could have been a hostage!"
I don't think thats some place you want to be.
Mike T said:
I don't think thats some place you want to be.

Dude, that would have been awesome. I would have sold my story for the first offer and bought stuff. Plus... Being a hostage isn't that bad. I'd make the hostage takers demand Pizza... then hey, free pizza.
DS Detailer said:
Dude, that would have been awesome. I would have sold my story for the first offer and bought stuff. Plus... Being a hostage isn't that bad. I'd make the hostage takers demand Pizza... then hey, free pizza.
DS if you need pizza that bad I can have one delivered!:p
DS Detailer said:
Dude, that would have been awesome. I would have sold my story for the first offer and bought stuff. Plus... Being a hostage isn't that bad. I'd make the hostage takers demand Pizza... then hey, free pizza.

That is assuming they let you live. :iagree: with Meghan, just order the pizza take out and keep your life. :) I'm glad that you are okay though and have lived to detail another day.:) Did they catch the guys who did it? Was anybody else hurt??
Thanks for the concern... But i wasn't in the bank when it got robbed! I had left about 5 minutes before it happened!
DS Detailer said:
Thanks for the concern... But i wasn't in the bank when it got robbed! I had left about 5 minutes before it happened!

Glad you weren't in there when it happened, but I feel sorry for the people who were. Man, how scary is that!! :eek:
Having been in the banking business for 15 years, it is simply a hazzard, just like washing windows while on a ladder. Most banks are highly trained to deal with it appropriately , and to keep customers out of harms way. Needless to say I cannot carry my Desert Eagle to work, and have been in multiple robberies. Infact, that last two went off while I was in the office with clients and we never knew it happened. Get them out ..... no ones life is worth losing over highly issured money.

But I assure you, do not joke about it in a bank. More than several local officers would be happy to take you behind the office with a tazzer and a billy-club.