Post # 1000!


New member
Jul 18, 2010
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Hey guys, this is my 1000 post! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for being awesome! I have learned so much from everyone. I feel like I know so many of you even though we have never met. You guys are like my online family. We all share a passion, a common bond. I have met so many wonderful people, including Tuscarora Dave and wildyoung. Wildyoung (Josh) has actually become one of my best friends in real life.

If you don't feel like reading this part I don't blame you but I'll give a little background of myself. Long story short I by the time I was 19 I found myself as a homeless alcoholic and addicted to heroin. I had no where to go and didn't know what to do. Little did I know 13 days after my 20th birthday would be my sobriety date. That was June 23, 2009. My life has forever changed. After I got sober I got a job as a valet. When I was younger I never was really into cars at all but after driving every kind of car imaginable I had found something I loved. When I got a car I really liked keeping it clean, especially the interior. Then I moved onto the exterior. It was something that I enjoyed doing. As I searched to learn more about how to properly take car of my new pride and joy (same car I still have today 2007 Corolla), I found this site. I read and read the forum for months before I actually posted anything. My love of cars and detailing has continually grown. I've started a side detailing business while in school along with my part-time job. You guys have helped put a bright spot in my life.

Now I'm in my last semester of my Junior year of college. I have a great relationship with my family and friends. I have been sober for a little over 2 1/2 years now and am loving life! I just wanted to thank AG and the AGO community for being a part of my life even if you didn't know it. Thank you! Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.

-Shawn :thankyousign:
Congrats! Keep it positive and take education as far as you can.
Congrats man!

The way you turned your life around is very inspirational.
1,000 = Rookie Status

:joking:Congrats on this major achievment in life :applause:
Hi Shawn,

Congratulations on passing the 1000 Post Mark! Im the MAN

Thank you for sharing your personal story I found it very inspirational as others mentioned, it's the kind of extreme makeover I love reading about.

Congrats Shawn! I would of never thought any AG members had such past. Sounds cliche but Great turnaround!!
Thank you for a wonderful story Shawn!! Congratulations on your 100th post and much more so on college and nearing 1000 days without that poison!
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Union, KY
Posts: 1,000

That is a great story. So glad you made it through that difficult time in life

Now. Get back to posting :)
While your 1,000 post is an achievement of sorts your sobriety and the way you turned your life around is the real accomplishment:dblthumb2:.

I'll be happy to buy you a Root Beer when/if I ever get the pleasure of meeting such a young person who figured something very important out.
A Great story Shawn! Congrats on the 1000th and staying clean!
Mike is right, Extreme Makeover!

Awesome story. Great to see you on the right track. I'll pray for your continued recovery and keep the demons away from you. Satan has a ton of them employed. Working in the klink, I see the same folks over and over again, kinda sad as I work here to have a good job, retirement and other benefits, not to be a badge heavy so and so. I do know some prior clients that pulled themselves out of that hole and are doing great. I have made lots of speeches to the "guys" and ask them to think about the deep dark hole they are in and what is the bottom for them. I was in the maximum security tank and it was silent when I left. I think they thought about it.....I guess "Correctional" Deputy comes out once in a while.....

I am very happy for you.

Keep on keeping on!

Good show!
Stay clean and you can do anything you want! I was told that around 4.5 years ago and I ran with it!
This is an AWESOME testimony Shawn!!! Congrats on turning your life around and all of your accomplishments...continue to have faith and keep pushing. I pray that God keeps you strong and continues to order your footsteps! Congrats again man!!!!
Congrats on 1 K post. Thanks for sharing your personal story. Way to go on turning your life around! Mega congrats on that!
Congratulations on your achievements in life.

As mentioned...An extreme makeover...( need for any "befores and afters"....)

Just a: Thank the Good Lord above...For each day forward in your "new" life will suffice, IMO.

Continued success.

