Weird results after washing brand new car for the first time


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May 5, 2011
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So when I picked up my new Jeep yesterday I made sure the dealer did NOT wash it before I took delivery. It literally just came off the truck on Friday the 13th and was ordered for me so it was definitely not touched, had a full coating of dust/dirt/whatever on it from shipping via train from Ohio to California. The conditions for the wash were dark outside (7pm couldn't do it earlier) and about 50 degrees. I used 2 bucket method with warmish water and the wash solution was Dodo BTBM and ONR for extra lubricity because I had no idea what might be on the vehicle.

When I was done carefully washing and drying I was walking around the vehicle with my maglite checking for any issues that were hidden by dirt and I noticed a few spots where it wasn't clean. Something seemed to really be on there good and it took a little work with some QD strength ONR and a cloth to get it off. I'm surprised the wash solution didn't get it, but maybe I just noticed it because of the bright maglite? What do you guys think I ran into?

It looked just like a smudge but it didn't want to come off easily. The spots were on the doors. One was in the middle, and the other I noticed was on the edge of the driver door above the handle. I'm just trying to figure out if there was something weird on the paint, or just because it was so cold something that might normally have washed right off was being stubborn.
Maybe it was an area where there had been tape to hold on the protective shipping plastic?
Maybe it was an area where there had been tape to hold on the protective shipping plastic?

That sounds exactly like what it probably is. Even a careful wash and prep in daylight can leave some of this stuff behind. Just be gentle, it's not going anywhere (meaning the tape residue isn't going to eat your paint). A little clay, or some paint cleansing lotion are my ideas for gentle. My wife's car had a little of that stuff remaining when we bought it in June. I can't remember exactly what I used, but I probably used clay.

Congratulations on your new truck! :xyxthumbs:
Thanks guys I didn't even think about tape residue since this is the first time I've ever told a dealer to not wash it when buying it. That make sense though that it could be that. I've never seen them on the truck pre dealer prep though so I have no idea where they put the protective tapes on the Wrangler.
Working for a car dealer myself. You will be amazed at what they do to "think" they are protecting the car for the customer. The chevy impalas have a 1/4 inch wide tape above the glove box ontop of the vinyl dash (for what reason i have no idea) and it takes about 30-45 mintues to get the glue off the vinyl dash without damage. Some of the stuff the companys do with plastic still amazes me to this day.
I bought a new F150 (Tuxedo black) last year and told the dealer not to wash it as I was anal about cleaning it. I don't know how it was transported but there was grease all over it. Not blobs but smears. I had to use a mild degreaser on the first wash then waxed the living daylights out of it. It still looks great and, to my knowledge, the grease didn't affect anything.
Anyone remember the stuff that used to come coated all over foreign cars? I think it was called cosmolene? That stuff was wicked.
It is possible that the residue could be hydraulic fluid from the transporter. When I worked at dealerships we saw this all the time.
Hydraulic fluid is probably it, i work at a jeep dealer and they do not come wrapped in any plastic. The stuff should come right off with some APC. Transport drivers arent the best at keeping their greasy paw prints off the vehicles