Hi guys! Looks likee You last visited: 09-15-2011 at 11:47 AM. Been a while, anyone in Santa Monica / Venice area?


New member
Mar 13, 2010
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I just got back from about a week long trip out to this area. And as my buddy and I were walking Venice Beach I saw all these amazing rides and a few people getting in and out of them so I had to go talk to them about detailing. Most of them said they just ran it through the touch-less and that was about it. I asked one guy, "Just out of curiosity, what if for say $400 I could get all those little spider web scratches out of your paint?" He dropped his shoulders and said something to the extent of, "Those things drive me F word ing insane. To have to sit there for 90 mins on the 405 trying to get home and all I an see on the hood is the sun bouncing off them (was an Audi A8). I told him what I did back in MN and gave him a business car just so he could see what quality for is and said if I knew anyone in his area he would gladly pay $400 for that work.

Whats the point of my story? Minnesota sucks, the night before we left we drank beers had some *cough cough* medical stuff and slept on the beach next to a bonfire. I literally had to get up and run 13 blocks to my buddies house as to not miss my shuttle back to LAX and there is money to be had in that area!!

Good to be back,