removing tape


New member
Mar 3, 2006
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I took the badge off the back of my car. Now their is 7 year old double sided tape stuck on. What do you think would work best on removing that without causing any or minimal damage/scratches to the paint?
Use a plow dryer or heat gun and pass it back and forth across the tape to soften and loosen it. Then I usually rub a finger across the tape to lift it off the paint so I can grab it and peel it off. You may have to do this a few times to get all of the tape off. Once you got all of it it of use a clay bar to remove any other peices of tape, then you can use an adhesive remover to to get any film off, 3M makes a pretty good one. Of course your gonna have to rewax the area. You might want to polish the area first to completely clean the surface.
I have always had good results with dental floss (triple over) and a little Wd-40. Goo-be-gone also works well.