Do I need a thickness gauge?


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Jul 13, 2011
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I have all of these pads, polishes, and compounds in my cart. I was just about to checkout, when I just realized I don't have a PTG. Do I need one? Please give me your opinion.
I have all of these pads, polishes, and compounds in my cart. I was just about to checkout, when I just realized I don't have a PTG. Do I need one? Please give me your opinion.
I my opinion, you do not NEED one unless you want to use a rotary polisher or start wetsanding. Standard DA polishing should not take much paint off the car. If you can feel a scratch with your fingernail, it is too deep and you should not try to polish it completely out. If you are careful with a rotary you could get by without one, but, they can remove a lot of paint in a hurry. Especially if the paint is thin to begin with. Sanding can remove a lot of paint in a short period of time.

I have and use a Highline Meter II. I love it and recommend it. If spending 250 or whatever they are now is not an issue, then get one. The peace of mind is worth it. I use mine every time I polish just to make sure where I am. I polished mine and family/friends cars for 12 years without one and did not have any trouble.
i was kinda curious about this as well since ive begun detailing for profit. i think a PTG is one of those things that if your doing wet sanding and using heavy duty machines such as a rotary then it is essential. From what ive read on the glorious AG forums ive come to the consensus that a PTG is not NEEDED if you are only using a DA, of course it is always RECOMMENDED to have on for safety purposes and piece of mind.
you dont "need one" but is it helpful? yes it is. i really want one just to be on the safe side and with every detail that includes polishing i can maybe do a average and have a sticker in door jam to state "paint thickness average and paint thickness average after polishing" i think it will be good to have paint thickness stated inside door jamb near manufacturer's stickers so other detailers or body shop knows what the thickness is. but for most things no you dont need a thickness gauge. the other posters have said some good suggestions.
With a PC? Or with a rotary? A craftsman wax spreader? lol, j/k.
I started with an old style PC and used it for years (still do, actually). About 2 years ago I bought the Griots 6 in DA. I had no idea what I was missing. The PC gave good results, just slowly. The increase in power to the newer DAs cuts a lot of time off the job. So, naturally, once I realized more was out there, I had to have a rotary. I just got it last week. I have used it on 2 cars so far. It is way faster than DAs.

I am glad I have my PTG. It makes me more comfortable knowing how much paint I have to work with. I also have been checking periodically to make sure I am not getting too aggressive with the rotary. I have also been doing some sanding and key scratch repair. If you ever go there, get the gauge.

Which machine did you get? What are you working on?
No you don't "need" one.

But it sure is nice to have one.

I bought the no longer available Harbor Freight cheapo meter a few years ago. Still works fine and does come in handy if I feel that a particular spot needs a little sanding or even just a heavy compounding.

A good one like you mentioned would be even nicer to have in my kit of stuff.
Which machine did you get? What are you working on?

I have a PCXP working with swirls/scratches. Soft Honda paint along with some cars for $$$. My whole cart is now flipped around as I don't need as many supplies as I really thought. Should I get 4" ones?
Should I get 4" ones?
Yes. Spot polishing and bumpers and pillars make it almost a necessity.

The other thought is to get the Megs 3in MF DA pads. Of course, I recommend the MF DA system anyway. If you dont have it, think about adding it in.
Will definitely try the MF system Kevin! Next order! I don't feel like ordering anything at the moment! ;)
Do you need one? My answer is that if you are doing vehicles that belong to someone else, then it's a definitive "YES".

Why? I have had, on several occasions, vehicles which should have had much more cc than they did. Had I not known about the thin paint, I might have gone too aggressively chasing defects and gone through the clear. This happens a lot more than you think. I had a fellow detailer PM me on L2D the other day that his BRAND NEW vehicle was only reading in the low 90's!!!

This is a CYA tool!!