bad habits or practices we know are bad but do anyway


New member
Jan 29, 2011
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Not necessarily bad, but maybe not totally good either. For instance, after I wash my car, the kid in me loves to splash the bucket of soapy water on my car. It's probably not hurting anything, but it can be productive in any way either.

I am sure I have other not so good practices that I can't think of right now. Just for fun, anyone care to admit a few of their own?
Touching a freshly waxed or sealed car. I know it can cause micromarring or even remove the protection, but how can I resist?

Seeing how easily I can get a towel to slide off the car after waxing.
I did the bucket splash on my DD's a few yeara back. Now that I've got a grit guard and see all the crud in there, I think twice!
Fast food when I'm feeling lazy.

And I'm always feeling lazy.:hungry:
my buddy and I have stogies and scotch every week...

I have also been known to put my buffer on the ground (pad facing up of course)...
1. Storing my wax pad in a large ziplock bag without cleaning it, as I know that I'll be putting the second coat on within 24-30 hours anyway.

Not all the time - mainly when I'm tuckered out. :buffing:

2. This is one habit I truly need to work on: Forgetting to use the shut-off valve in the basement, for the outside spigots, after I'm finished in the cold months. :doh:
2. This is one habit I truly need to work on: Forgetting to use the shut-off valve in the basement, for the outside spigots, after I'm finished in the cold months. :doh:

I have one word for you: plastics...wait...two words: freezless faucet!

It's better than Five Guy's. Haha.

But Five Guys uses peanut oil to cook their fries! That's good, right?

Ok...bad habits...I have been known to carefully clean off dropped clay and reuse it...don't tell anyone, ok?
You said McDonalds is better than Five Guys. I say, no way!

I meant Five Guy's seems worse for you than McDonalds. I love Five Guy's, especially when I order small fries and they fill the whole bottom of the bag with more than I asked for.
I meant Five Guy's seems worse for you than McDonalds. I love Five Guy's, especially when I order small fries and they fill the whole bottom of the bag with more than I asked for.
I knew what you meant. By their nutritional menu it looks like 5-guys is no worse for you than McD's. And if freshness counts, it's likely more wholesome cow.

Mmmmmmm. Cowwwwww. :hungry:

Now that priest burger, does it come with a priest to read you your last rites? Give a homeless man a priest burger, feed him for a week should be their motto. Damn, those look tasty! :drool:
I knew what you meant. By their nutritional menu it looks like 5-guys is no worse for you than McD's. And if freshness counts, it's likely more wholesome cow.

Mmmmmmm. Cowwwwww. :hungry:

Now that priest burger, does it come with a priest to read you your last rites? Give a homeless man a priest burger, feed him for a week should be their motto. Damn, those look tasty! :drool:


I am not feeling very smart today. I guess whenever I eat there, I feel like it is worse than McDonalds. Just my opinion though.
2. This is one habit I truly need to work on: Forgetting to use the shut-off valve in the basement, for the outside spigots, after I'm finished in the cold months. :doh:

You didn't?:eek:

You did....ughhhhhh!!!!:doh: :nomore::bash: :laughing:
Im guessing five guys must be a northern thing? Ive lived in Texas my whole life and never heard of it until today.