Ultimate Compound to LSP?


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Sep 13, 2011
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I've read where some have suggested you can to straight to applying an LSP after using Meg's Ultimate Compound.I know ideally you want to follow up with a fine polish.Is it true that that UC can leave a finish fine enough to be LSP ready?
Yes I guess, I applied ultimate polish on a test area but saw no results so I went straight to the wax.
The label recommends to follow UC with NXT or Ult Wax.The label of the Ultimate polish recommends to use the polish after the UC and then wax.Use them in order Compound/polish/wax and you'll love how it looks.
A couple times ive went straight to lsp after UC.....wasnt using a harsh cutting pad tho.
uc is pad dependant for me so if im heavy cutting, no, its not straight to Lsp...D151 with polishing pad first...
uc is pad dependant for me so if im heavy cutting, no, its not straight to Lsp...D151 with polishing pad first...

What kind of pad would you be using if doing heavy cutting, orange?

What kind pad would you recommend for it to be LSP ready?
I find yellow 5.5" flat to be very effective on harder clear coat.
Yeah when I was experimenting with the Ultimate line I did a Ultimate compound on half a door. Then the other half I used Ultimate compound and Ultimate Polish. I couldn't see a difference. It was on my Red Toyota
Yeah when I was experimenting with the Ultimate line I did a Ultimate compound on half a door. Then the other half I used Ultimate compound and Ultimate Polish. I couldn't see a difference. It was on my Red Toyota

What kind of pad did you use?
i did a hand correction using euro ccs foam pads (aka man vs machine method) with UC and it finished to what looked LSP ready. although I used UP, it might not have been necessary as I was highly impressed with how UC finished, it was hard to believe it was a compound, since it finished like a polish.
I've read where some have suggested you can to straight to applying an LSP after using Meg's Ultimate Compound.I know ideally you want to follow up with a fine polish.Is it true that that UC can leave a finish fine enough to be LSP ready?

Just depends upon your standards for excellence and the paint, some paints polish better than others.

It also depends upon how you inspect the paint after wiping off the UC residue.

Color makes a huge difference too...

It's possible for the combination of pad, downward pressure, abrasives and action of the tool to leave a haze in the paint. It's possible.

It's also possible that the polishing oils in the product that lubricate the abrading action mask any haze so unless you chemically strip or wash with a detergent you might not detect the haze.

It's also possible that if there is a haze it can be hard to see on light colors versus black paint.

If the paint looks great after you wipe it off though and you're not aiming for AR perfection, then apply a coat of wax and stand back and enjoy the results.


The car on the label is an Extreme Makeover car I was in charge of while I worked for Meguiar's. The threads for this project can be found on MOL


The car on the SwirX label is a car I did a half-n-half demo for the 2002 Bimmerfest

