detail engines?


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Feb 27, 2012
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what you guys think about detailing engines, better not to get into it or take the risk?
I've never had any issues with it, take a few precautions and you'll be OK.

The only reasons I've had people request an engine detail is because it was a show car, they worked on it themselves and liked it clean, or they were getting it ready for sale.
Just use common sense when rinsing near electronics and you should be fine.
I don't see any risk in detailing engines. Its not too hard and people will pay the extra money to have it done. Just be careful with electric parts.

APC usually works best on getting the grease and oil off engine pieces.

I've never used a pressure washer to cut grime but I've seen people do this.
When I used to work for a Ford dealer. The way they would detail an engine was to spray APC while the engine is still warm but not running. Make sure you use every brush that comes in handy to loosen up the dirt very well. So when it comes to pressure washing it you hit the electronic parts just lightly and the rest where you rinse everything out well. We would also crank back up the engine to rinse it while running. Then when it was time to dress it, we would turn the engine off again spray the dressing and just let it sit for a while. We would go back to the engine later to remove the excess with a towel. At Honda dealer we used the same method and never had a problem with messing up an engine. Not sure if this method would be consider safe but seems to work for me.
Also watch out for the distributers, spark plugs and coil packs. Vw are natorious for having trouble with cleaning their engines.
Never had a problem (knocking on wood). Cover distributor and other electrical parts with plastic bag. Block air intake. Spray with APC and then steam away. Blow dry with mini-blower and dress.
theres a few things to be cautious on, mainly is the ignition electrical and the engine block sensors,fuse boxes,alternator, injector connections(if its not covered by something). there are 2 vehicles ive heard of issues with not using any covering(witnessed this due to coworkers lazyness to cover up electronics) those 2 are the new body stile f150's with coil over plug ignition(or any coil over plug ignition) you want to cover up. and a jaguar cam sensor dont like water much. but mainly i cover up all electronics possible using plastic bags, electrical tape, or plastic wrap, i do not like to use foil just incase some wire is some how exposed and could short something out, but thats just an extra percaution. i mainly use steam for most engines but if its horribly nasty and greasy i will use water, when using steam i dont go as far as i do when using straight water into the engine bay as steam quickly evaporates..main thing is electronics and not using strong pressure near them, i only use strong pressure on firewall area or radiator supports or stuff like that IF NEEDED most of the time i will not use high pressure i use little as possible just enough to rinse off the APC/degreaser. of course with that you really need a good bit of brushes dedicated for engines, my main brushes are flagged wheel/tire brushes, small paint brushes, and baby bottle most have said just be very carefull with electronics especially the newer cars with coil over plug ignition, if you dont know what that is, here is a sample image.
(the coil over plug ignition is on the valve cover. shown in the image is a 1mz toyota/lexus engine) there is other models like a chevy LT1 where the normal ignition coils are below the exhaust so always look out for hidden ignition parts....
Also watch out for the distributers, spark plugs and coil packs. Vw are natorious for having trouble with cleaning their engines.

I had a friend who was a complete moron. Has a 2006 VW GTI, and thought it would be a good idea to clean the engine bay with a hose. Went to go start the car after and his clean session and it wouldn't start. Water go inside the coil packs so he had to pull them out and replace them and wait for the inside where the spark plugs go dry up lol
I had a friend who was a complete moron. Has a 2006 VW GTI, and thought it would be a good idea to clean the engine bay with a hose. Went to go start the car after and his clean session and it wouldn't start. Water go inside the coil packs so he had to pull them out and replace them and wait for the inside where the spark plugs go dry up lol

Yep happens a lot with them.
thank you all for your tips and tricks!! so then, covering up a few but so
critical electronic parts will avoid any risk of see some customers angry faces lol?
yes, you are not waterproofing it your just trying to stop water overspray, or if you have a twitch with the hose LOL it also helps to start with a warm engine, now i mean not to operating temp warm warm enough for you to touch it for a good bit and not get burned. just warm enough to help make grease and grime/oil/grease slurry that forms to be more liquid and let the cleaner work better.. also helps water to evaporate faster from getting to water sensitive components. i always wrap as many electrical compontnents possible just to be safe, sure it takes longer but i think of it this way, if i mess something up how many hours of work will it take to pay for the repair bill?.
thank you guys for all the help and tips i got..