How to restore suede and alacantra


New member
Sep 26, 2011
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I have a client with suede and alacantra seats in his car. They are both matted down and I was wondering how one goes about fixing this. The only thing I know (more like think I know) is that Suede is real leather whereas alacantra is an artificial material, or is this wrong? In my brief research I've heard of people using Magic Erasers?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


I have a client with suede and alacantra seats in his car. They are both matted down and I was wondering how one goes about fixing this. The only thing I know (more like think I know) is that Suede is real leather whereas alacantra is an artificial material, or is this wrong? In my brief research I've heard of people using Magic Erasers?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Good morning Max.I have the same material in my SRT seats and since you mentioned your issue only is "matted down",you can take a good quality leather cleaning brush(soft horse or even boar hair)and gently message the fibers back and forth with light pressure and they should come back for you.As for cleaning them,you can either use a lightly dampened(water)MF and blot wash with light pressure aggitation.I have also just had success with cleaning my black seats that looked clean until taking a white edgeless MF and spritzing a spray or two(no more than that/don't want to saturate)of Ultima interior shampoo and picked up some dirt because the white was discolored (dirt and not seat color dye).I used a product that AG doesn't sell or want me to mention(brand has been mentioned before and I received a polite PM,saying :nomore:).
The seats came out visually looking brand new/considering they were black to begin with.
Hope this helps.