Which has more bite Menzerna IP or Optimum Compond?


New member
Feb 10, 2007
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Newbie, just finished door panel using PC with 2 passes of SSR2.5 on LC Orange pad (Light cut) and 2 passes of Menzerna IP with LC White pad (polish). Menzerna FPII ROCKS! SSR2.5 pulled out about 80% of the scrathes, looking for a product with just slightly more bit. Has anybody done a side by side with Menzera IP and Optimum Compond. I have to place an order for 1 of the 3 since I almost out of the 16oz bottle practing on my wifes car. I'm leaning towards Menzerna only because I love their FPII, unless someone tells me it is less aggessive than both (SSR2.5 and Optimum Compond).

I'm a thrill with the results so far. Just trying to better my game.
I know menzerma products are nice, can we please stop Q&A about competitors products?

Requesting a mod end this thread.
I would say the IP has the same cut as PB2.5..I believe the IP here is PO91L...the ceramic version is PO85RD 3.0-3.02

the Power Gloss is there most agressive polish

if you want more "bite" try using a yellow cut pad with ssr2.5 or go up to ssr3...using an orange or yellow pad...always work your way up from least to most agrressive when looking to polish...no need to over do it...OC is also very good...not my personal choice...i like pb's stuff for value and results..but of course if something is on sale combined with free shipping it usually ends up on my detailing rack hahaha...the addiction never ends...
Ryan, we have spoken to Max about this, and he is ok with the discussion of it as its relates to other products of equal stature. He does not want links or direct solicits. Any again , we understand that everyone would love AG to carry this line, but more to it that simply writing a check and ordering a palate. I can guarantee it is one line that is consistently looked at, and reinvestigated as possible.

Note to all members, please understand that if you are consistently found to be only hear to discuss "other" products and create a "mines better than yours" issue then banned is a likely position on this forum. Keep it polite, simple, and lets have fun !!
ryandamartini said:
I know menzerma products are nice, can we please stop Q&A about competitors products?

Requesting a mod end this thread.

Why? Regardless of product, why can't we talk about it?
ryandamartini said:
Product discussion and support should be limited to products we carry and sell on We Are Car Care ! Car Wax - Car Polish - Auto Detailing Supplies & Car Accessories, Bike Depot- Motorcycle Care, Motorcycle Polish & Motorcycle Accessories, Pinnaclewax.com- Pinnacle Car Care Products, and Wolfgang Car Care Home of World Class Car Care Products!.

Be warned of this, we can discuss pb's items, but please keep menzerna to PM Please.

They also carry many other brands. Guess we can't talk about those either... :confused:

Come on Ryan....
nick19 said:
They also carry many other brands. Guess we can't talk about those either... :confused:

Come on Ryan....

Nick, lets avoid any personal confrontations. Ryan is correct on Terms/Conditions, but we are trying to allow forum to be open while being focused on PBMA in nature ...
killrwheels@autogeek said:
Nick, lets avoid any personal confrontations. Ryan is correct on Terms/Conditions, but we are trying to allow forum to be open while being focused on PBMA in nature ...

I had no intentions to confront Ryan, I was just saying, we talk about quite a few products AG doesn't sell.

If we can't talk about other products let it be known, if not, I see no reason why we couldn't compare a Menzerna polish to OC. There shouldn't be an "in between". Either its allowed, or not.

Just my opinion..
AG is a great store, however they dont carry everything. There are some good products they dont have. But there are more then a ton of products they do have that are awsome. Sometims we do however need to go erlse wear and the mods and max know this and relise that there customer service will win in the end (not to put words into anyones mouth but this is a personal opion)

now to bring it back onto topic. I have never used menzerna however i am a huge OC fan, i use it with a pc. i find that it can corrent 99% of the problems, i have yet to find somthing that couldnt be fixed with 2 try's with OC (Assumign it is corectable).
I think Menzerna PP is in the same league as OC, or close.
nick19 said:
I had no intentions to confront Ryan, I was just saying, we talk about quite a few products AG doesn't sell.

If we can't talk about other products let it be known, if not, I see no reason why we couldn't compare a Menzerna polish to OC. There shouldn't be an "in between". Either its allowed, or not.

Just my opinion..

reason i jumped on menzerna as it is being talked about alot here. i can understand a chat here and there, but theze menzerna threads just keep poping up. I didnt mean to be rude to anyone.

ryandamartini said:
reason i jumped on menzerna as it is being talked about alot here. i can understand a chat here and there, but theze menzerna threads just keep poping up. I didnt mean to be rude to anyone.


I agree with you Ryan. I'm just saying either it should be allowed, or banned. There shouldn't be an in-between-er.
CalgaryDetail said:
now to bring it back onto topic. I have never used menzerna however i am a huge OC fan, i use it with a pc. i find that it can corrent 99% of the problems, i have yet to find somthing that couldnt be fixed with 2 try's with OC (Assumign it is corectable).
Agree. if OC and cutting pad can't remove//reduce it, you need a rotary lol.
My understanding is that OC and Menz IP have a similar amount of "cut." I've used IP in the past and I own a bottle of OC but I haven't used the OC yet as the weather is just starting to warm around here.
Well all crap aside....

I don't like the SSR's purely for the dusting, they work great but the dusting gives me the proverbials...

I woul dlike to try the XMT range as I believe these are less dusty and provide more of a range of cutting than the Optimum compound and hyper compound. That said, I have varying results from OC and OHC from different bottles. I am also a fan of Menzerna for polishes and compounds, but have to say that I religiously use WG and Pinnacle waxes and sealants... I am yet to use Pinncle polishes etc other than the Paint Cleansing lotion so I will reserve my judgement there!!!
Oh boy, did I open a bucket of worms. Thanks for all the responses. I was under the impression the forum was an open forum to discuss products, detailing, etc. Somewhere I had known that the forum was created by one of the following sister sites to drive more traffic to the their sites We Are Car Care ! Car Wax - Car Polish - Auto Detailing Supplies & Car Accessories, Bike Depot- Motorcycle Care, Motorcycle Polish & Motorcycle Accessories, Pinnaclewax.com- Pinnacle Car Care Products, and Wolfgang Car Care Home of World Class Car Care Products!.

which is a excellent ideal, but...

I guess I should have figured it out when everybody was trying to push $80 Pinnacle Sourevan paste wax and also when my thread got closed because AG didn't carry a product I wanted to purchase. I still placed an order with AG for the products they did have.

Someone might want to give Autopia.org a call because every other thread when people ask where to purchase product they mention go to AG. I actually didn't realize autopia.org had a back-end store and I originally found there site before someone told me to check out AG.
ROVERHSE06 said:
Someone might want to give Autopia.org a call because every other thread when people ask where to purchase product they mention go to AG. I actually didn't realize autopia.org had a back-end store and I originally found there site before someone told me to check out AG.

It is kind of funny that (at least before Polycharger) so few of Autopia's own products were discussed on their own forums.
i think overall AG carries 90 percent of what you will ever need for detailing your car...casual or professional...yes there are some other great products that AG does not carry but they have a comparable product in a brand that they do carry. the free shipping, low prices, and customer service keep me coming back to AG...