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03-21-2012, 09:18 AM
I'm Going Back To Basics with an AIO (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/47703-i-m-going-back-basics-aio.html)

About 6 years ago when I first started using a DA for basic polishing/waxing I used regular OTC Megs Cleaner Wax with great results.

When I found AG about 5 years ago I decided to try different AIO products that were more expensive but claimed to have the best polishing, cleaning, waxing and sealing abilities.

I've used XMT 360, Optimum Poliseal, Klasse AIO, 3M Cleaner Wax, Zaino Cleaner Wax(not AG product), Optimum GPS and I'm probably forgetting another one or two lol. For some weird reason I just had an urge to buy the Megs Cleaner Wax again from WalMart last week.

After using it on a couple of cars recently I'm really sad that I ever left it. I'm so impressed with the ease of application and removal along with the cleaning/polishing ability and the Carnauba glow it produces. I'm not too worried about how long the product lasts on paint because I up-sell sealants for that purpose.

I look for more of an instant gratification in an AIO. Just thought I'd share in case some of you are a little frustrated with your current AIO product(s).

Setec Astronomy
03-21-2012, 09:23 AM
I've used tons of Meg's cleaner wax (both the consumer A12 and MG #6) and I agree they are great products but...I just can't do the trim staining any more. Do you apply by machine?

03-21-2012, 09:34 AM
Yeah I use a LC Orange/White with my Flex 3401 on speed 5 or so. It can leave trim with some white marks if your not careful but I've been able to remove the white marks with my Griots Wax remover or even just QD sometimes.

Shawn T.
03-21-2012, 10:51 AM
As long as you get it off the trim before it dries, you're good. I've got it on trim before but a quick wipe off with a QD or waterless wash usually does the trick. If not, spray some APC on a rag and work it on the trim for a few seconds and it comes right off.

A12 is my favorite cleaner/wax with D301 coming in a close second. I also like XMT 360 but not for the price.

03-21-2012, 11:01 AM
I'll say it again...once you dial in a nice combination that is easy to use, and produces consistently good results....STICK WITH IT.

We all fall into the trap of spending our brains off looking for that next great product, only to come back to things we have used successfully in the past that ...still work fine now.

03-21-2012, 11:02 AM
I'm into cleaner sealants and I really like Duragloss 501. This past fall I detailed my van and didn't use any polish nor compound, just 501, and it looks fantastic. I probably will be skipping the polish step on it from now on.

03-21-2012, 11:10 AM
I like this 'reality check' thread.

03-21-2012, 11:42 AM
Mothers liquid cleaner wax is also a very good one over the counter

03-21-2012, 11:57 AM
IMO there is a big difference between an AIO and a cleaner wax. So I'm not sure some of these comparisons are accurate.

03-21-2012, 12:13 PM
IMO...This is a very good Mike Phillips article on: Cleaner-waxes and AIO's




03-21-2012, 12:36 PM
Yeah I'm sure there are a lot of opinions of what classifies a product as an AIO but I consider it something that can remove light-moderate defects while providing some protection whether its a sealant or wax. If it does it in one step I like to think of it as an AIO. On the front of the bottle of the Megs Cleaner Wax it says "cleans, polishes and protects in one easy step" which is what AIO products are supposed to do in my opinion.

03-21-2012, 12:42 PM
Yeah I use a LC Orange/White with my Flex 3401 on speed 5 or so. It can leave trim with some white marks if your not careful but I've been able to remove the white marks with my Griots Wax remover or even just QD sometimes.

Forgive my noobness here but are you saying that you use the cleaner wax on the lc orange pad and then again on the white pad for a final pass?

03-21-2012, 12:54 PM
Forgive my noobness here but are you saying that you use the cleaner wax on the lc orange pad and then again on the white pad for a final pass?

No what I meant was that I use either a orange OR white pad depending on the task at hand. On most newer paints that barely have any swirls or other defects I'll use the white pad since its less aggressive. For paints that have more defects I'll use the orange pad. There's probably no real noticeable difference between using the two but it's just what I like to do.

03-21-2012, 01:57 PM
I like this 'reality check' thread.


I used to use Meguiar's cleaner wax on my first car, mainly because I didn't know any better...but, I used to get TONS of compliments on how good it looked for an old car (it was 10 years old when I got it). I was able to get it pretty much swirl free without a lot of effort.

03-21-2012, 04:23 PM
I used to use Meguiar cleaner wax too, then I switch to Duragloss 501 and I just bought Opt Gps and their mf polishing pad.