Not Happy


New member
Oct 26, 2010
Reaction score
Here's what happened within the first 10 minutes of using the spot buff kit for the first time... the pad went flying and of course went face down on a dirty floor. not impressed

I've never had one de-laminate like that, call one of our Customer Care Reps


And we'll send you out a replacement...

Give me a call and have your order number handy, we'll replace it for you.

1-800-869-3011 ext 215
ive had that happen to me on one of the megs mf pads... gave ag a call and i had a new one out to me within the week. great service :)
One might be inclined to think these guys at Autogeek really care about their customers.
Yea don't take this personal but call customer service first before posting. Don't want to make autogeek look bad over a faulty product. They are helpful and would replace it no problem.
WOW, within 3 minutes, AG responded and offered to replace, and the man himself responded. Trying finding that kind of service anywhere else. Thats just insanely great customer service. Hence why AG is going strong.
not trying to make customer service/autogeek look bad... dont know why that even came up, im here because i am very satisfied with the level of support we get. but... when a product fails within the first ten minutes of use and i am left with all pads and no backing plate to attach the pads to... i will post because i do have a business to run and when products fail, it costs me money
In all honesty when you're dealing with mass produced items you should expect some failures somewhere along the line. Now that companies are reducing quality control in an effort to pinch pennies, even though they are marking up products even more, you should expect it more often. Kudos to AG for stepping in to make things right in place of the manufacturer.

Call it terrible but I personally like when people post stuff like this, it just shows that we as consumers don't appreciate their greed. The best way to improve quality control is to show how they are failing us. Off rant now.

Not trying to change subjects but I just gotta say, There are times I find products cheaper but I don't even bother with price matching BS and always order from AG, customer service is amazing and community is great, and my line of work is customer service. Mike, nick, everyone At AG, big thumbs up fellas. Customer service is drives a buisness and you guys are tops
But you guys got to remember autogeek doesn't make the items. Complain all you want to The producer and on their forums. It just comes off that it's a complaint about autogeek seeing that it's on their forum. Even though it wasn't ment that way. Just wanna help their image out. A simple pm to nick or mike would of gotten the same result.
look at the bright side... at least it didn't cause you any injury or damage to whatever you were polishing. Definitely sucks when things like this happen. Even the little things can have a big impact if you're on a deadline or got a customer expecting you to finish at a certain time.
not trying to make customer service/autogeek look bad... dont know why that even came up, im here because i am very satisfied with the level of support we get. but... when a product fails within the first ten minutes of use and i am left with all pads and no backing plate to attach the pads to... i will post because i do have a business to run and when products fail, it costs me money

Those things are mass produced and likely overseas. You could even get one that was in pieces when you recieved it! I know it sucks, but the best you can hope for is that you got it somewhere that will back it quickly like AG. Can you imagine how much a backing plate would cost if each indiviual piece was run on a machine for a specific time to see if it had enough glue? Look at the quality checks FLEX polishers puts into there machines and you will see it reflected in the cost. I personally never carry all my eggs in one basket and I always have a backup polisher/pad/plate laying around (as a business owner). Since it failed in the first 10 minutes, you must've had a method you previously used to fall back on?
I never got the impression that you where talking bad about AG as you where posting that it failed fast and it might be something others should know about.

We also all know how good AG is about it so yeah you could have just called them and got it taken care of but its nice to share issue's and it was awesome to see how fast AG responded.

How about those run on sentences I think I win.
I understand it is possible to keep it "under the radar" and just call up autogeek, but you should also know that there are people from the manufacturers that do also look at these sites to see whats going on... autogeek can also use the forum to show their manufacturers how products are being accepted. this is a forum for detailers and products, it is not an intention to bash autogeek, or the manufacturer, its simply a post showing what happened. since the pad flew off, i thought that the backing on the pad came off and upon closer inspection it was actually the backing plate that failed, and it left me with nothing but pads in the kit, so it is basically useless until i get another backing plate. it could have caused some damage to the vehicle during that split second of mayhem when it failed during polishing. ive never come across this problem so i decided to post it.