IronX at work


New member
Oct 30, 2011
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This car recently had some major brake problems and as a result the car was covered in metal particles that were now going rusty (sorry no before pics), the car was starting to look brown and the paint felt like 1000 grit sandpaper.

I first sprayed IronX on the RH side of the tray and the reaction was the worst I have ever seen so i thought i would film the rest.

IronX Working - YouTube

The IronX did a good job but it still took me a good 2 hours to clay the car after.
Is that for real? Was that car hauling iron ore like a dump truck!
Holy smoke, cool video! :props: Did you agitate it and let it sit some more? Looks like you sprayed it on but didn't spread it across the entire surface also.
Thats insane! You could have probably IronX'd that car 3 more times!
Holy smoke, cool video! :props: Did you agitate it and let it sit some more? Looks like you sprayed it on but didn't spread it across the entire surface also.

this video was straight after i sprayed it on, after I spread it around with a sponge and let it sit for probably about 10 mins before it was starting to dry out and than i rinsed it off.

I always seem to get carried away with what i'm doing and forget to take anymore pics/video lol
Is that for real? Was that car hauling iron ore like a dump truck!

yeah it was for real lol

the RH rear caliper piston seal failed and it left the piston in a fully on position, then some how the caliper broke off from the caliper bracket (mechanic thinks maybe from the amount of heat that would have been generated) and the caliper was sitting right on the disc so it nearly wore right through and the disc had nearly wore right through on one side aswell.
this video was straight after i sprayed it on, after I spread it around with a sponge and let it sit for probably about 10 mins before it was starting to dry out and than i rinsed it off.

I always seem to get carried away with what i'm doing and forget to take anymore pics/video lol

Nice! I know exactly what you mean. It's impossibly to video and picture everything you want and detail the same time by yourself. I always miss something too.