Klasse High Gloss Sealant and P21S as Combo ????


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May 9, 2006
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I just posted this message at the wrong forum, so this should be the right forum now.
Does anyone recommend using the combination of Klasse High Gloss Sealant and P21S wax as the combo? I have not use this combo before and wonder if it safe? Also, I just purchased new car, so should I even need to use the Klasse AIO/PS PaintWork Cleansing?

Thanks in advance!
Very safe combo. Klasse SG is a little finicky to use, so spread lightly and consider removing immediately (WOWO). Although a couple of hours minimum between SG and P21S and you should be looking pretty spiffy.

You can safely use the AIO before the SG as wanted, even on a new car. Leave the paintwork cleanser out if using SG as sealants dont adhere all to well to fillers within the product.

Is it from your experience that PS21S Paintwork cleansing does not work well with Klasse Gloss Sealant? I purchased the PS21S Paintwork over the KLasse AIO because the chemical is milder than AIO. I was planning to work on my car today, maybe I have wait for another week to buy the AIO.

Also, do you recommend any other products beside AIO that would work well with Klasse Gloss sealant?

vgs2006 said:

Is it from your experience that PS21S Paintwork cleansing does not work well with Klasse Gloss Sealant? I purchased the PS21S Paintwork over the KLasse AIO because the chemical is milder than AIO. I was planning to work on my car today, maybe I have wait for another week to buy the AIO.

Also, do you recommend any other products beside AIO that would work well with Klasse Gloss sealant?


I would really think of both products as similar in detailing, yet seperated by the products being used as toppers. AIO is clearly more versatile:

Klasse AIO --- proper paint cleaning for wax or sealant alike. When using something like SG you must shy after from traditional wax based cleaning products (P21S. Pinnacle) based on the fillers within.

P21S Paint Cleaner -- a nice paint cleaner with fillers that can be considered when using a carnuaba directly over it. You would not want to use with a paint sealant as durability and adherence would likely suffer.
P21S i don't understand what the cleanser is suppose to accomplish?

What is the consistency and how is it used?
OK, I will use these layers for my new car. Maybe I want test on my old one first:

Klasse AIO
Klasse Sealant
PS21S Wax
joe.p said:
P21S i don't understand what the cleanser is suppose to accomplish?

What is the consistency and how is it used?

Both the P21S Paint Cleaner and Pinnacle Paintwork lotion are chemical paint cleaners with some fillers. They both work well with carnuaba products. Not abrasive (well is anything not somewhat abrasive, rubbing a towel is abrasive) and really meant to amp up paint between polishing and carnuaba end protection. Kinda like a lotion in consistency.
Just on a side note...When I actually started caring for my cars in an OCD-type of way - AIO, SG, P21S was the raging combo. 3 swirl-free years later, this combo is still going strong. AIO, SG, and S100 were my very first non-OTC car care products bought.