Technique Help Please


New member
Apr 11, 2012
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I have two questions

First, when detailing an engine is it safe to just spray water into an open engine then scrub down with a APC and spray again? It just doesnt seem safe to me.

Second, when cleaning door jams, i see people just opening the door and washing when they are washing the car and spray it off. Wouldn't the interior get pretty wet or is this ok?

Any technique you use???
Engine Compartment

Spraying down an engine compartment is very common and when rinsing try not to spray into electrical areas or connections. Spray liberally with cleaner, scrub those areas that are really dirty then rinse with clean water.

Door Jambs

Spray all purpose cleaner on the jamb are and on a terrycloth towel then wipe until clean. Do not use a hose here otherwise you'll flood the interior...
Thanks alot, Bobby

I have noticed you answer alot of questions on here, and always with good knowledge.
I will just use a waterless wash on the jambs if they are just dirty. APC if I have grease, etc. to cut.

Bobby is a great source of info.
Thanks alot, Bobby

I have noticed you answer alot of questions on here, and always with good knowledge.

I agree. Bobby Is one of the members of this forum that is always ready to help and I also agree that his advice is spot on. That is what makes this forum great. People ready to offer their experience and knowledge.
If you are going to spray watering the engine compartment, make sure you cover the electrical components such as alternator, fuse boxes etc. Spray APC and brush and then spray again. Door jams are usually easy. If they aren't too dirty, the water from the wash is enough to wipe down. If dirty, a little APC and wipe down will do. I have seen a video with the guy turning the hose on the door jams on a very expensive car. Looks crazy to me.
my hose nozzle has a fine mist setting, i use that to rinse down door jambs especially those hard to reach areas on older cars that never get cleaned(behind hinges where door "folds" into fender area) and such so apc+swissvax brush= nice and clean. for engines i cover all electrical components possible and use various brushes and APC and a low pressure rinse, never use high pressure. then if connectors are greasy/dirty i will use steam on them(depends on connector ect) or i will just use a damp towel with a little apc sprayed on it...