my homemade woolie


New member
Dec 8, 2010
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Here is the result of a rainy day project I've been wanting to try for a bit.

Bought the extra big chopsticks at TNT Supermarket for $2 and the mf mop at a Chinese supermarket for $4.

Haven't had a chance to use it yet and for all I know, it'll fall apart after the first use but I don't think I'll have to scrub too hard on my OC'd barrels so hope it goes well...




You should go into business selling handmade precision cleaner sticks. You could sell them for 50 bucks each and I'm sure someone would buy them.

Haha, seriously though, nice job. I love rainy day projects, always the most creative stuff.
Holy crap man!

When I saw the second last picture I was like ".... that looks... really... interesting...?"
But that last picture; they turned out awesome!! Hope they work well man! I'll be driving to T&T tomorrow for some! :D

Btw to that end, judging by your "location" and the fact that you have a TNT nearby, that you live somewhere in toronto?! :O
thanks guys

Yeah I'm in Toronto. I ship my stuff to CBI warehouse in Buffalo then me or one of my buddies that I pool orders with drives there to pick up the goods...
Interesting idea. How do you get the twists to stay in place especially when wet.
like I said, it may fall apart on me the first time I use it. We'll see how it goes this weekend.

Maybe I'll notch the top and bottom of the stick for version two point oh and wet the strands before I tie them on so the knots will tighten up as they dry...