Paste wax on top?


New member
Apr 10, 2012
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I currently have a fresh coat of Menzerna Power Lock and a coat of Collinite #845 on my car's paint.

I was wondering if adding a coat of Pinnacle SSII would enhance the look, or should I just top it off with another coat of #845?

(it's a non-metallic white car).
I currently have a fresh coat of Menzerna Power Lock and a coat of Collinite #845 on my car's paint.

I was wondering if adding a coat of Pinnacle SSII would enhance the look, or should I just top it off with another coat of #845?

(it's a non-metallic white car).

Do you currently feel that the 'looks of Collinite #845' is what it takes for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor?

If so...
-Leave it as is; Or...
-Add an additional layer/coat of Collinite #845

If not...
-Add a layer/coat of Pinnacle SSII upon the Collinite #845.
-Then use the: "Eye of the Beholder" testing method for comparison's sake.

You, afterall, are the: Judge and Jury in the instance...IMHO.


test it on a certain area, if you like it then do the rest if not cut your losses
I agree with their opinions, just do a test spot with the pinnacle, if you think it enhances it, then go for it. If not just top it with another 845
Thanks guys! The reason I ask is because I don't have SSII yet.

I think I'll just go with a second coat of 845 and I'll buy SSII once its BOGO (hopefully soon!)
Thanks guys! The reason I ask is because I don't have SSII yet.

I think I'll just go with a second coat of 845 and I'll buy SSII once its BOGO (hopefully soon!)

SSII is a very nice wax...Believe me, this is one wax you'll really enjoy !!!

Just remember...The life-cycle of most "beauty-waxes" may be deemed to be short-term. But they're impressively beautiful while they last!


SSII is a very nice wax...Believe me, this is one wax you'll really enjoy !!!

Just remember...The life-cycle of most "beauty-waxes" may be deemed to be short-term. But they're impressively beautiful while they last!



Yeah, I was pretty much planning on applying SSII every 3 to 4 weeks. Really relaxing to me :xyxthumbs:

Really hope it goes BOGO soon! I know I will buy!