XMT Shelf Life?


New member
Jun 17, 2011
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What is the shelf life of XMT products? Specifically, xmt #1 through #4 (biggest concern for shelf life), xmt 360, xmt glaze, xmt 360 spray wax, and the rest of the line.

The reason I ask is because I have some other products sitting around that I haven't used and I want to use them first. I also have some xmt 360 (un-opened) that I bought last year. I have some details in mind for this products, so when I do open it, it would be used promptly.

I've had some XMT360 opened for about a year now and its still holding up fine. Don't know about the polishes though.
This is a great question, I too will be checking in on this from time to time as I bought the XMT #4 after my Griot's MP #2 was only able to remove a "fair" amount of swirls out of a 96' Merc Grand Marquis but then again, this car was probably never wheeled and is in pretty rough shape. I don't see needing to use the XMT #4 all the time because the previously mentioned car is the exception and not the rule for what I run into, that's for sure.

Speaking of XMT #4, I'll be trying it out on that very same Merc this Sunday, just the trunk for now, just to see.
Keep them stored away from extreme heat or cold and they'll have a shelf life of several years. :dblthumb2:
That was quick, Nick!!! Just the response I was hoping to hear.:xyxthumbs:

Since I started working at Autogeek, I've gathered a nice collection of detailing supplies myself. Every now and then I'll go into my detailing cabinet and give all my liquid products a thorough shaking for good measure. :dblthumb2:
Most paste wax will last decades if they are stored properly in original container. When I say properly I mean away from big temperature changes, and the lid have to be closed. You may even want to store your wax in a zip loc bag to prevent solvents evaporating too quick.
bringing this up again. but what are the consistencies of the xmt line 1-4 and 360?

it seems like my 4 and 2 are doing well, they are both rather thick still. but the 3 and 1 are both fairly watery... i would think evaporation of any liquids in the polish would be the biggest concern, but does anyone know what causes some of these products to go bad?

they have always been indoors, never extreme heat or cold. just not used except for a few times about 3 years ago. don't want to throw them out if they are still good, also don't want to do unnecessary damage to my paint