New Student in Klasse


New member
Apr 28, 2006
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I finally got my Klasse AIO and Sealant after using the whole multi step Meguiar's cleaning process (took forever and my arm almost fell off).

I have a bunch of questions regarding the Klasse twins as I see they are called. Total newbie to this stuff...

  1. I see it says to apply AIO really thin with a damp pad in NON circular motions. That seems slightly counter intuitive to me...I thought I would want to almost scrub a little with a little pressure in tight small overlapping circles to really clean and polish, no? I am doing it all by hand by the way.
  2. With both the AIO and Sealant a nickel size is supposed to be all that it takes to do a big part of the car, correct? Maybe I am just using to using a lot of product, but I just tried a little bit on my snowboard and it seemed as though no product was being put down on the board after a few seconds using about a dime size amount of AIO then the same with the Sealant.
  3. I read on the bottle that a capful of AIO can be used for washing the car, and somewhere on the forum someone posted that AIO actually was the best at removing other wax buildup from their trim. Yet I am slo hearing that is will CAUSE white clouding on my plastic trim ('06 Nissan Xterra...lots of plastic).
  4. Do you let the AIO dry at all....maybe move down the car a bit then come back and wipe it off...or wipe on, wipe wait whatsoever? Well I think this is a good start with questions, I know I will be back with more. Thanks!!! :cheers:
muddy said:
I finally got my Klasse AIO and Sealant after using the whole multi step Meguiar's cleaning process (took forever and my arm almost fell off).

I have a bunch of questions regarding the Klasse twins as I see they are called. Total newbie to this stuff...
  1. I see it says to apply AIO really thin with a damp pad in NON circular motions. That seems slightly counter intuitive to me...I thought I would want to almost scrub a little with a little pressure in tight small overlapping circles to really clean and polish, no? I am doing it all by hand by the way.
The straight back and forth and sides up and down does seem weird but it will not cause swirls when done.....

  1. With both the AIO and Sealant a nickel size is supposed to be all that it takes to do a big part of the car, correct? Maybe I am just using to using a lot of product, but I just tried a little bit on my snowboard and it seemed as though no product was being put down on the board after a few seconds using about a dime size amount of AIO then the same with the Sealant.
very very thin is the key...........lots of product will take longer to remove remember you can always layer the next day

  1. I read on the bottle that a capful of AIO can be used for washing the car, and somewhere on the forum someone posted that AIO actually was the best at removing other wax buildup from their trim. Yet I am slo hearing that is will CAUSE white clouding on my plastic trim ('06 Nissan Xterra...lots of plastic)
  2. never left any clouding on my trim.....others maybe.....use it on glass also....
  3. .
  4. Do you let the AIO dry at all....maybe move down the car a bit then come back and wipe it off...or wipe on, wipe wait whatsoever? Well I think this is a good start with questions, I know I will be back with more. Thanks!!! :cheers:
i wipe AIO on and wipe can do two panels at once then go back.. .the sealer let haze........

good luck......
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muddy said:
I finally got my Klasse AIO and Sealant after using the whole multi step Meguiar's cleaning process (took forever and my arm almost fell off).

I have a bunch of questions regarding the Klasse twins as I see they are called. Total newbie to this stuff...
  1. I see it says to apply AIO really thin with a damp pad in NON circular motions. That seems slightly counter intuitive to me...I thought I would want to almost scrub a little with a little pressure in tight small overlapping circles to really clean and polish, no? I am doing it all by hand by the way.
  2. With both the AIO and Sealant a nickel size is supposed to be all that it takes to do a big part of the car, correct? Maybe I am just using to using a lot of product, but I just tried a little bit on my snowboard and it seemed as though no product was being put down on the board after a few seconds using about a dime size amount of AIO then the same with the Sealant.
  3. I read on the bottle that a capful of AIO can be used for washing the car, and somewhere on the forum someone posted that AIO actually was the best at removing other wax buildup from their trim. Yet I am slo hearing that is will CAUSE white clouding on my plastic trim ('06 Nissan Xterra...lots of plastic).
  4. Do you let the AIO dry at all....maybe move down the car a bit then come back and wipe it off...or wipe on, wipe wait whatsoever? Well I think this is a good start with questions, I know I will be back with more. Thanks!!! :cheers:
1. I put my AIO in a small 2oz spray bottle, and spay once per panel, two for the hood. This works well.

3. AIO can be used as a car wash, I have yet to try it though. I use tire-gel to dress my trim because NOTHING seems to work on black trim.

4. I work AIO, go to the next panel, and wipe both off. I never do more than two panels at a time.

There's no reason to let AIO dry. If you need or want to apply two coats, go for it.

I will second what bill said; Klasse AIO is AWESOME on the windows (exterior of course).

-Nick :cheers:
joe.p said:
Nice Thread Title :applause:

I know, wasn't it? same thing I was thinking.
Cute and clever!

Another for the window.

I include this with my full detail. I like to apply it with Edge blue pad on the PC on the windshield. Cleans well and wow!, does the window bead for a long time!
Whitethunder46 said:
Another for the window.

I include this with my full detail. I like to apply it with Edge blue pad on the PC on the windshield. Cleans well and wow!, does the window bead for a long time!

Blue pad is awesome! I use it as well on the windows.
Thanks for all the reply's guys (and gals). :D

A few more questions though...

Bill, you mentioned
The straight back and forth and sides up and down does seem weird but it will not cause swirls when done.....
Are you using any pressure while doing the side to side, or just kind of getting the AIO on there? Nick19, you don't even scrub at all...just mist it on, and wipe off? hmmm, I thought some cleaning and polishing meant scrub a bit...even if side to side, but with a little force. I can understand the sealant being very thin though.

Also after doing my testing with the sealant on my snowboard (and using a biiiiiit too much) I couldn't buff it out much at all by hand. I sprayed some Meguiar's Quick Detailer and the white haze was gone with a simple swipe of the hand. Is this a practice that should be avoided? The quick detailer is not removing any of the sealant right...just the excess??? I always thought they actually ADDED protection, but after seeing how easy it took the extra sealant off, maybe I am wrong).

The windows sound like a great idea!

Thanks again everybody!!! :awesome: <----they didn't have any apples for this new student to give, so I had to use the dancing bananna :p
muddy said:
Thanks for all the reply's guys (and gals). :D

A few more questions though...

Bill, you mentioned
Are you using any pressure while doing the side to side, or just kind of getting the AIO on there? Nick19, you don't even scrub at all...just mist it on, and wipe off? hmmm, I thought some cleaning and polishing meant scrub a bit...even if side to side, but with a little force. I can understand the sealant being very thin though.

Also after doing my testing with the sealant on my snowboard (and using a biiiiiit too much) I couldn't buff it out much at all by hand. I sprayed some Meguiar's Quick Detailer and the white haze was gone with a simple swipe of the hand. Is this a practice that should be avoided? The quick detailer is not removing any of the sealant right...just the excess??? I always thought they actually ADDED protection, but after seeing how easy it took the extra sealant off, maybe I am wrong).

The windows sound like a great idea!

Thanks again everybody!!! :awesome: <----they didn't have any apples for this new student to give, so I had to use the dancing bananna :p

I use it on my PC on speed 4 and just use light pressure. It takes about 2 minutes per panel. Not much "working" Klasse AIO. It's an acrylic cleaner and makes for the best bonding surface to any sealant.
Klasse AIO -- versatile, can be used anywhere and on anything with nice results. Thick or thin it is easy on and off. Great paint cleaner, but not really abrasive. Works well on metal also, and can be used as a wash but messy and no foam.

Klasse SG -- the bulletproof sealant. This product almost works to well with AIO (catalyst) as darn strong combo for 6+ months of protection. Product is extremely finicky and should be used with care. Best method is immediate WOWO (wipe on/off) without delay. A small travel size hairspray bottle will help control dispursement. If you overapply and hard to remove, respray and wipe off immediately.

The combo is not however over glossy. You will likely want a qd'er+ type product to add some additional gloss. Poorboys, Crystal Mist, Quikshine, and others are nice as easy to use weekly.
muddy said:
Thanks for all the reply's guys (and gals). :D

A few more questions though...

Bill, you mentioned
Are you using any pressure while doing the side to side, or just kind of getting the AIO on there? Nick19, you don't even scrub at all...just mist it on, and wipe off? hmmm, I thought some cleaning and polishing meant scrub a bit...even if side to side, but with a little force. I can understand the sealant being very thin though.

Also after doing my testing with the sealant on my snowboard (and using a biiiiiit too much) I couldn't buff it out much at all by hand. I sprayed some Meguiar's Quick Detailer and the white haze was gone with a simple swipe of the hand. Is this a practice that should be avoided? The quick detailer is not removing any of the sealant right...just the excess??? I always thought they actually ADDED protection, but after seeing how easy it took the extra sealant off, maybe I am wrong).

The windows sound like a great idea!

Thanks again everybody!!! :awesome: <----they didn't have any apples for this new student to give, so I had to use the dancing bananna :p

No heavy rubbing, AIO works well with out hard rubbing........
Now that I finally got to try AIO on my windows (exterior), it brought up a new question. I dampened a yellow foam applicator pad with some Meguiar's with drust a drop or two of water (barely even considered "damp"). Put about a dime size amount of AIO and it was only able to cover maybe half the windshield before it seemed as though there was nothing left on the pad and was just rubbing a dry pad everywhere.

So what I did next was tp spray the windshield with some Meguiar's Quick Detailer spray and use the AIO and it went on smoothly.

My question is that is it a good idea to use Klasse AIO and a quick detailer like Meguiar's in conjunction like this or is it kind of defeating the purpose of the AIO? Should I maybe just dampen my applicator pad even MORE with plain water next time?

Thanks guys and gals, feeling a little silly that I am having so many issues with getting AIO to work 100% so feel free to tell me if I am really missing the obvious by a long shot :D