Need opinions on Blackfire Paint Sealant vs UPGP !!!


New member
Mar 24, 2006
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This will be for a dark gray color Jeep...

I was going to get UPGP but then I read the reviews on Blackfire sealant,now I'm confused...:dunno:

From what I've read these 2 are almost the same,but I guess the Blackfire has some advantages over UPGP.

I was looking for something that I could top without waiting 12 hours and has the deep wet looking.

Does it matter which polish compound do I used prior to sealant ?

Oh man why can I edit my own post ? Anyway...

Also I'm in Massachusetts and sometimes snows a lot,would just 1 coat be enough for 5 months of winter ? I was thinking of applying 2/3 coats,that's why I asked the curing time.

BFWD will give you a glossy, wet, slick appearance.
UPGP will give you gloss without the wet and slick.
The new 4 Star UPP is supposed to be very much in appearance to BFWD but without the dusting. I have a bottle waiting to be tried.
What you use prior to applying the sealant depends on how much correction you need. After correction, wipe down the paint with something like Klean Strip Prep All to get a good bond with the sealant. One exception is if you use Blacfkire Gloss Enhancing Polish. No wipedown between that and BFWD.
Thanks Butt,the car is new 2012 I don't think I will need to polish maybe clay it.I only get dusting when using PB Blue Natty.

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After the I read all of the great reviews of BFWD I decided pick some up. After trying it out on several different cars, I am not that impressed. Honestly, I feel 845 gave a better look, maybe not as wet, but defiantly more shiny. I have also tried WGDGPS and I like it better.
What about topping with V7 ?
Thanks Butt,the car is new 2012 I don't think I will need to polish maybe clay it.I only get dusting when using PB Blue Natty.

The Blackfire Gloss Enhancing Polish has no abrasives. Names of products can be misleading. That being said, when my 2011 Mustang GT was delivered, the paint was covered with DISO's and holograms on it from a moron who had no idea how to use a rotary. I had to go over the whole car with M205.
I've had NO issues with dusting with BFWD, maybe you guys are using too much product? I haven't used the other product but IMO the BFWD, along with BFCS have all the bases covered when it comes to gloss and slickness.

You are supposed to wait 8 hrs for the BFWD to cure,so that's something you've gotta deal with but if your looking to protect the car for the winter, well, what I'd do is apply a coat of BFCS, wait 1 hour, then apply a coat of BFWD, then you've got 2 good coats and if you really want to, which I would, apply another coat of BFWD the next day after a quick wipe down with some quick detailer, there you go!