Hail Damage repaired!


New member
Mar 4, 2006
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A month or so back Dallas has tornadoes and hail! I was in Boston on business. When I returned to DFW airport I discovered that the trunk of my Jaguar was heavily damaged by the hail. I was under covered parking but the hail blew in at an angle.

USAA insurance rocks! They quickly handled the estimate and I got in line at the body shop. Here are pictures of the damage. As you can see, my UDM wasn't going to help! The pictures don't show the true extent of the damage but you can get an idea.


The damage was so bad they replaced the trunk lid. After I got it back the trunk looked better than before the hail! So I washed the car and applied a coat of Poorboy's World Black Hole followed by 2x Pinnacle Souveran Wax.


While at the body shop I opted to pay extra to have a scratch in the door fixed and the front bumper repainted. The bumper is brilliant now!
JI'm sorry you had to go through that but from what it sounds/looks like it turned out great! I'm trying to convince my dad to call up USAA and get signed up so I can get accounts through them.

My biggest fear right now, aside from arseholes not paying attention on the roads is hail. When the thunder gets to rumbling and the skies turn dark I get nervous and want to drive up to the gas station and sit under cover-I don't have garage.
Damage to our pride and joys leaves a lump in our throats but they are for the most part repairable so the scars aren't permanent.

Glad to see things are returning to normal for you.......:props:
Looks like you came out ok on this one. We lived in Texas for years; miss the food, not all the summer storms and hail!
Did you wax it as soon as you got it back?
If so, you didn't allow the paint enough time to "breathe" as they call it in the body shop world. It needs a full 30-45 days to cure.
Did you wax it as soon as you got it back?
If so, you didn't allow the paint enough time to "breathe" as they call it in the body shop world. It needs a full 30-45 days to cure.

waited a week. the body shop didn't say anything about that
JI'm sorry you had to go through that but from what it sounds/looks like it turned out great! I'm trying to convince my dad to call up USAA and get signed up so I can get accounts through them.

My biggest fear right now, aside from arseholes not paying attention on the roads is hail. When the thunder gets to rumbling and the skies turn dark I get nervous and want to drive up to the gas station and sit under cover-I don't have garage.

Yup. I've gone to more than a couple of car washes and parking garages when I hear hail being talked about on our police scanner radio. If there is any kind of warning I always take it with us.

Hail and shopping carts.
I've been giving serious consideration to a cover. California Car Cover offers one that's padded to help fight small dents and dings. My truck has
to sit outside.
waited a week. the body shop didn't say anything about that

Yes when I painted cars I always told them to wait about 30 days before and wax..You can wash it , But just no wax. The wax helps seal it and does not let the solvent cure up properly.
if you waited a week you are fine. they baked the car it would have fully cured in a day or two after that
Yeah if they baked it you are right. Some places do not have that.. He should be good if it was baked on. The place I worked at did not have a bake on there booth