Debating on Tornador Purchase


New member
Jul 5, 2011
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I've been thinking of buying a Tornador and with this weekends sale I'm trying to figure it out. I'm purchasing UISG and UIGP but thought having the Tornador might be helpful. But I think the UISG can't be used in the gun since it's a thicker gel right? So should I get the UISG and UIGP or get the Tornador (with Meg's APC+ I have) and the UIGP? Just need some input.
UISG's viscosity isn't that of a gel, even though "gel" is in the name. It comes in a spray bottle just like any other APC and has similar viscosity of an APC. Have not used a Tornador, but seems like to can be used with it.

Downside to UISG is cost, although with the new gallon containers it helps out a lot. UISG is still pricier than say a gallon of OPC diluted 3:1 or 10:1.