what can i do after detailing?

You can...

Use Klasse AIO, this time WOWO.

Follow up AIO with SG, this time let haze for 30 minutes, don't WOWO.

Then you can choose your own wax. Layer it two times. (no need to let a wax "cure", you can apply two layers, one after the other)

What products do you have and what color is your car? Are you considering trying a new product?

i have a metallic gray paint. I have AIO, SG, and p21s wax.

I thought once i already did a layer of SG then wax i can't add anymore. I remember reading that somewhere.
Klasse AIO will take care of that. ;)


Klasse AIO, WOWO

Klase SG, let sit and haze for 30 minutes

Next day apply two layers of P21S wax.
AIO or I believe DG 101. Never used the latter, but it's supposed to be a great cleaner.
Whitethunder46 said:
AIO or I believe DG 101. Never used the latter, but it's supposed to be a great cleaner.

If you clean it with AIO and put a coat of Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant on it will really feel slick.
supercharged said:
If it doesn't feel like glass anymore, you probably need to grab a clay bar and some clay lube first. Then polish, if needed, and only then wax.

That's what I was thinking too. The Ultra Poly clay from Pinnacle would be great in this situation. It will remove the contaminants without compromising your LSP. ;)
I thought you can only like detail the car like twice a year. I am not sure my last job counted as detailling. lol