Inadvertently cut into clear - suggestions?


New member
Mar 5, 2006
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I was polishing my Honda CRV with a 4" meguiars cutting pad on my pc7424 (set at 6) and I inadvertently cut into the clear coat. If I take it to a body shop, could they simply spray clear on it and somehow salvage it? It's on the back pillar next to the side of passenger cargo window. It's about 3"x1". The clear is somewhat cloudy and you could tell it has been marginalized to an extent.

Man...I can't believe this happened! I've polished so many cars in the last 15 years and this is the first time something like this has occured. Urgh!! Even with my Makita rotary...I've never damaged the clear on any car. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

They will have to clear that filling in with clear....unless you want a schlock job
Post some high resolution pictures please.

I would post a pic but I don't have a camera. Essentially, it looks as if the clear was cut down...very little shine and it has somewhat of a different surface texture than the adjacent (undamaged) surface. The underneath paint is intact however the clear is, I would say, about 90% gone.
This should be a reminder for ppl who say a PC can't burn clear

Wonder if the area was a repaint?
So when you looked at your pad after buffing was it the same color as the car? Unfortunately when it comes to burning clear the only fix is to re clear the section :(
So when you looked at your pad after buffing was it the same color as the car? Unfortunately when it comes to burning clear the only fix is to re clear the section :(

I used a 4" meguiar's cutting pad which is brown so I can't see any basecoat paint (green) and besides...I didn't go all the way into the clear. Perhaps 80-90% of the clear is gone but there still seems to be some clear left on top of the base coat.

I'm tempted to buy one of those pre-mixed (catalyzed) clear spray cans...the ones you press a button on the bottom of the bottle to mix the catalyst...and simply spot paint that 3"x1" area. Or would I have to respray the entire A-pillar? Any thoughts?
You would need to spray the entire pillar. If you try to blend the clear it will show in time.