Menzerna Top Inspection... necessary?


New member
Feb 22, 2012
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In case you've read my posts before, I'm just getting into DA Polishing, and I have a question about dusting. Keep in mind, I still have never actually used a swirl remover with a DA... so if this is a stupid question, I apologize! :buffing:

I've heard that removing swirls is likely a dusty process, and I'm wondering how easy this dust is to remove safely... without causing new swirls. I found Menzerna Top Inspection and it peaked my interest because of it's ability to make removal of polishing dust easier. Is it necessary? Compared to other detailing sprays that do more, it seems very expensive.

If it is better to use a spray to remove dusting, are there any cheaper alternatives? I assume you would need a cleaning spray that leaves nothing behind (ie, wax, sealant, etc) to ensure that the surface is perfectly clean for your LSP.

Thanks again for everyone's help. The knowledge pool here at Autogeek is awesome! :xyxthumbs:

Carpro Eraser and Griots Pre-Wax Cleaner both work really well for that. A cheaper alternative is glass cleaner, used this once and don't remember how it went but with proper care it should work no problem.
Removing swirls "may" induce some dusting but that depends on product choice, product amount used and finally ... technique. The dusting is a byproduct to the swirl removal process (at least when it happens) so consider it a necessary evil if you will.

That being said, Menzerna Top Inspection is a good product; I have used it before and find that it falls in between ONR and UWW+. You can pick up the dusting with a QD or a dry MF towel.
You can also use a solution of 10% IPA, albeit may not work quite as well as the products designated just for this use. You need to use something, as polishes can sometimes be tricky and hide true
results, depending how picky your going to get. Also, excellent lighting is also important to inspect your work.
Thanks again for everyone's help! I may decide just to use an IPA and water solution, since it will probably be cheaper. But still... Menzerna's spray looks like a really quick and easy product for the job.
