Updated My Website- Need Feedback


New member
Sep 26, 2010
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So I added a few pages like instead of a service page I added a wash page and a detail page. I also added a things to know before calling so people know what to expect before they call me. I also made a lot of my pictures smaller and added a bunch of new pics. I am having trouble with the pictures from my camera looking good. They look great when I open them on the computer but not on my website...plus it takes forever to load. I thought that making them smaller would help but it hasn't.

Any input would be great!! :dblthumb2:

You've got a few misspell words in the services package.

Wash N Wax....you have applies I think you meant applied

INN N OUT wash...you have door shuts are piped down

On your home page it says under the video on the bottom that this service is extra depending on how hard your clear is....it can cause very micro swirls...???

Other than that its looking better. Good luck mate!
You've got a few misspell words in the services package.

Wash N Wax....you have applies I think you meant applied

INN N OUT wash...you have door shuts are piped down

On your home page it says under the video on the bottom that this service is extra depending on how hard your clear is....it can cause very micro swirls...???

Other than that its looking better. Good luck mate!

I thought I changed the wash package one but ill. Check it. The deal with the micro swirls is its an Eco friendly product just like doing a dry wash....dry washes can cause marring....I'm just stating facts so they know.
disclaimer: I'm a newb when it comes to detailing, but I know a few things about website design and marketing.

Except for what others have mentioned I think it looks pretty good. But if it were my website I'd change a couple of small things. The hot red on black type strains my eyes a bit. I would experiment a little on different colors and fonts, maybe try a neutral lightly textured background, with a black or dark color type instead of what you currently have. It looks cool at first but becomes harder to read the longer you stay on the site.

I would also change the wash packages page so that all packages are in a table that makes it easier to read. It also makes it easier for the customer to compare what they get for extra $$. Its good that you go into detail about what you do, but most people want the basic facts fast without having to read for too long to get the info. Then once you have their attention, you can go into more detail on the package that they think might be closest to what they need.

Pictures....Those are really nice cars, (and they're shiny!) but the average Joe isn't going to be able to tell what makes your work special because you have too many pictures taken at angles that make it hard to see what you did, or the backgrounds in the photos are too "busy" and distract from the work. I know your not a professional photographer, but take a look at some professionally done "car-porn" and notice the angles, lighting, and backgrounds that are being used for these calendar quality shots and try to do something similar. The nice thing about digital cameras is that you can keep taking pictures until you know you have a good looking shot.

The few before/after shots you have are great. I would do more of those with close ups of doors, hoods, etc to really show what a good paint correction and wax can do for the customer. Show off stuff that helps you up sell and make more $$, especially with your focus being quality not quantity, you really want to get the most $ from every customer you get. A few extras on a couple of jobs can make you more money than a simple package job, and you don't have to convince a new customer to give you business, you already have a job in your shop so 2/3 of the selling is already done!

How has the website worked for you so far? Have you gotten any feedback from customers about it?

I think in general your site has a great start, but the things I mentioned could help take it to the next level. You're in the business of Detailing, so you know how important the details are. The website isn't any different!

Take care,
Near the top of the page, "A'la carte" should be a la carte". Also, above the video, "below freezing with out damaging paint" should read "without".
Just a few typos from your site.
I have copy/pasted sentences & highlighted mistakes (in my opinion)

They will then move to a glaze that will cover up all the the imperfections the heavy compound and rotary created.

wore out leather or seats (should be worn)

it can cause very micro swirls- (delete vary & dash at end of sentence)

We are not responsible for any preexisting conditions (dash between pre & existing)

and we treat our costumers with with the same manner,

Like us on on Face Book!! (1 word, no capital B)

These are only little things but there are a few of them & if I was a potential customer it may be enough to steer me away from choosing you to work on my car (I'm fussy, that's why I'm here!)
Please take this as constructive criticism not a personal dig.

If I was you I would ask a few friends, family members, etc to sit down & proof-read the whole site giving opinions.
The more the merrier...

Otherwise great site!
I strongly suggest you have someone else look over wording and spelling to correct same. There's nothing worse than poorly worded sentences, poor spelling, and improper punctuation when you are trying to sell yourself on the internet. It just doesn't say "this is a first class outfit" the way it is now.

When I click on things to know before calling it goes to a blank white page.
I strongly suggest you have someone else look over wording and spelling to correct same. There's nothing worse than poorly worded sentences, poor spelling, and improper punctuation when you are trying to sell yourself on the internet. It just doesn't say "this is a first class outfit" the way it is now.

When I click on things to know before calling it goes to a blank white page.

Thank you!! I tried fixing it but it still isn't coming up. I'll get it fixed or take the link off till I get it fixed.
I strongly suggest you have someone else look over wording and spelling to correct same. There's nothing worse than poorly worded sentences, poor spelling, and improper punctuation when you are trying to sell yourself on the internet. It just doesn't say "this is a first class outfit" the way it is now.

When I click on things to know before calling it goes to a blank white page.

I agree. Sometimes my last minute revisions don't get spell checked (typically because they occur around 2:00am) and I always catch typos and stuff the next morning. With that being said, if you don't have one already, try finding an html editor with a built in spell checker. I use NVU. It's ridiculously simple to use and best of all it's free to download.

Did you ever get that AdWords campaign up and running?
I agree. Sometimes my last minute revisions don't get spell checked (typically because they occur around 2:00am) and I always catch typos and stuff the next morning. With that being said, if you don't have one already, try finding an html editor with a built in spell checker. I use NVU. It's ridiculously simple to use and best of all it's free to download.

Did you ever get that AdWords campaign up and running?

Created the page yesterday and paid about 15 min ago lol