Thank you Bobby G


New member
May 1, 2011
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Hey Bobby, I finally got around to trying to remove the over spray of paraffin wax from

rust proofing in my engine bay. You suggested I try mineral spirits. BULLSEYE!! Thank you


Cut it like a hot knife thru butter!

Glad to hear Chet!

Wow, that cleaned up nicely!! :props:

Mineral spirits is one of those chemicals that has a thousand uses! :dblthumb2:

One of my favorite uses for it is to remove compound and polish residue one I'm finished.

Yesterday I wet sanded the nose of my truck with 2000 grit 3M paper, man did it look strange. My daughter walked over to see what I was doing and when she saw the entire nose was dull as dull could be her jaw almost dropped! :laughing:

After compounding I wiped it down with mineral spirits which cleaned everything off nicely then 2 polishing steps and once again mineral spirits...:props:

I should have taken a few photos but didn't think of it until I was through the compounding stage....:doh:
Looks great Chet!

Excellent advice Bobby :xyxthumbs:

Old school and yet it works wonders. So do a lot of the "old school" products but people gotta have that new fangled stuff sometimes :).
I agree Bobby, ever since I learned about using Mineral Spirits to chemically strip paint from a couple of the chemists at Meguiar's I've been using MS for a lot of things including inspecting correction results but also for removing stubborn compound and polish residue.

I find it wipes much easier than any solution of IPA and seems to be less grabby on the surface. Plus if you get odorless that's a simply way of saying more of the nasty V.O.C.s have been filtered out of it.

Odorless Mineral Spirits

Mineral Spirits are another option for chemically stripping an automotive finish, from my discussions with chemists on this topic, odorless Mineral Spirits should be chosen as the process for removing the odors is actually removing a lot of nastier substances through further refining of the product. Mineral Spirits will tend to wipe easier than most other options and leave a more clear finish.

Percent Volatile
When discussing Mineral Spirits, the idea has been brought up that Mineral Spirits may leave behind a film that could, like compound or polish residues, mask defects and thus defeat the purpose of stripping the finish after correction work. I brought this up with two of my chemist friends and they both said that it's not an issue, but if you want to be sure, choose a brand of Mineral Spirits that states the "Percent Volatile" is 100%

Here is the MSD Sheet for the Klean-Strip Odorless Mineral Spirits. I have circled the "Percent Volatile" percentage.

Percent Volatile

On a quick related note .. Are mineral spirits and paint thinner the same thing?

I picked up a bottle of paint thinner the other day and used it to remove polish from my moms car. I was a little worried at first because I wasn't sure if it was 100% mineral spirits and if there was any other stuff in there that might damage the paint however it seemed to work very well.

Only problem is I can't seem to get the smell off my microfibers even after washing. So is this stuff safe to use or should I try to pick up a can of odorless mineral spirits?
Paint thinner and Mineral Spirits are essentially the same thing and in fact if you look on the Paint Thinner can it's probably say; 100% mineral spirits...

I always choose Mineral Spirits because paint thinner can contain; Naphtha, Mineral Spirits, Acetone, Xylene, Turpentine, Toulene and MEK are all "paint thinners".

Mineral spirits are used full strength and never diluted...Mineral spirits is a petroleum based
Thanks Bobby. I was pretty sure it was the same stuff but there was no mention of mineral spirits on the bottle.
How much do you dilute it?

Even though Bobby answered this just to make sure it's clear...

You don't dilute Mineral Spirits, you use it straight out of the can. I pour mine into a 32 ounce spray bottle and then get a chemical resistant spray head for the bottle.
