I'm back, but forgot some things...chime in!


New member
May 14, 2006
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Whew, been several years and was pretty much very low maintenance on my vehicles, but now with a shiny new black truck...the games have begun! I might have messed up though :<(
There were some light swirls, but larger straight scratches on the finish, likely from the dealer washing it a few times I imagine.
I clayed everything, only a few spots actually needed it IMO.
Menzerna Final Polish
Red Moose
Souv x's2

I still have those darn straight scratches though, so I'm going to do the whole thing again.
Think I should skip a glaze?
I've given away lots of products, but still have most of the Wolf line, so thinking maybe hit it with the finishing glaze, then LSP.
What do you think? Or maybe need to hit the scratches with something heavier such as Menz Intensive first?

My products are several years old, plan on ordering lots new, but can't for another month yet due to an upcoming vacation. So, work with me :>)
Thanks everyone...and I'm glad to recognize some old friends on here!
Red Moose Glaze...you hardly hear about any Clearkote products anymore--there's like no distributors. I think AG used to sell it years ago.
Yea, some are old!
Besides the few scratches, it just isn't popping how I think it should be:(
I've given away lots of products, but still have most of the Wolf line, so thinking maybe hit it with the finishing glaze, then LSP.
What do you think? Or maybe need to hit the scratches with something heavier such as Menz Intensive first?

Ah yes, the old days, when IP was considered a heavy hitter! Did you miss the SMAT revolution? IP was what, a 5 on the cut chart? M105 is a 12...M105 and M205 is a very popular combo.

I also like the Meg's microfiber system, if you're inclined to buy some new pads.
Hmm, thinking here ;>)
AM I doing wrong by hitting the new car with such a polish though? See, I do forget!
That Meg's mf system looks interesting, I'm still using old Edge pads. Thought about trying the chem guys pad set. Hmmm.
Hmm, thinking here ;>)
AM I doing wrong by hitting the new car with such a polish though? See, I do forget!

Defects are not partial to any particular year. They can't tell one from the next

Go on and get you some :props:
OK, pad time...My cart has the 5.5 CCS for my Porter Cable....should I change those out to flat pads perhaps guys?
OK, pad time...My cart has the 5.5 CCS for my Porter Cable....should I change those out to flat pads perhaps guys?

I think you would like the flat pads better, maybe the Hydro Tech's, they finish much nicer but don't last as long as the flats or the CCS.

I like the Menzerna or Wolfgang Polishes FWIW.:props:
OK, pad time...My cart has the 5.5 CCS for my Porter Cable....should I change those out to flat pads perhaps guys?

The 5.5" flats are the only way to go. Be sure and get at least 1 yellow, 1 orange. I would get a pair of 6.5" Surbufs too!
What truck are you working with? Seems most manufacturers are making a truck nowadays. Remember all paint is different and they have been using a lot of high solids clear coats in the last 5 years or so, hence the SMAT compounds/polishes. I've tried many Non diminishing abrasive compounds and polishes but I always go back to Meguiars 105 and 205 to get the work done the fastest, especially if using a DA polisher.

If it's been several years since you've frequented these forums, I may have come along after you left but I somehow seem to remember the username. Anyway, welcome back.
Thanks Dave and Flash :>)
Truck is a new Chevy Colorado. So, do I need SMAT products instead of my old Menzerna stuff then? I'd prefer not to order up any polishes right now.
I'm also in the process of starting prep on a '02 Mercedes that has been looking BAD for a few years, darn car washes.
GM paints are typically pretty hard. I'd just go out and do some testing and see if the Menzerna products will cut it before just jumping to the conclusion that they wouldn't. I'd definitely be working in very small work sections though. like 12"x12" sections.
Thanks Dave. I did it quickly once and not so sure after, this starting this thread. I'll do it slowly here soon and see where it gets me. If I'm unhappy, what's a SMAT final polish or such I should consider for light fine scratches?
I also think I should have refreshed my memory before doing it the first time :<( I think I must have worked the Menz stuff too long maybe which just added back to the micromarring perhaps. But, I don't know.
That's the tricky part of using a diminishing abrasive style of polish, after working for a while and not achieving the defect removal, the abrasives continue to break down into yet finer abrasives and then you're essentially working the carrier fluid and oils against the paint. You have the gloss but not the correction you're after. Don't work it long enough and you get a haze. Shrink down your working section and you're more likely to get the results you are after depending on how hard the paint is. If you don't get the results you are looking for after a good 5 or 6 slow (about 1 inch of machine/arm travel per second) section passes then your choice is to clean your pad, re-apply product and do it again in the same section until you get your desired results, or, get a SMAT compound such as M-105 and work a section checking your results every few section passes until you get your desired results. The SMAT compounds pretty much just cut and cut until the defects are removed, eliminating the need to worry about the abrasives breaking down too soon. Then follow your cutting step with a SMAT finishing polish such as Meguiars Mirror Glaze #205 Ultra Finishing Polish which cleans up nicely after M-105. If you really want to take the gloss over the edge then final finish with Optimum Finish Polish which is a super fine non dusting SMAT final finishing polish.

As far as very light wash induced marring goes, Optimum finish works well and so does M-205 with the glossier finish going to the Optimum Finish.

This truck had light marring present before polishing it with Optimum Finish Polish only, on a finishing pad with a Flex 3401 forced rotation DA polisher.

Great info sir!
I have noticed how popular the 105 and 205 have become since I've been out of it, lots of love for them over other pricier brands.
Good to know:)
Glad to help out. Some hate the Megs twins (105&205) I for one always return to them after frequently straying off the path to try other brands.
Whew, been several years and was pretty much very low maintenance on my vehicles, but now with a shiny new black truck...the games have begun!

Thanks everyone...and I'm glad to recognize some old friends on here!

Welcome back...

You joined in 2006 when this forum was started, at that time I was running the MeguiarsOnline.com forum but I do recognize your forum name from reading your posts.

I can't add much to what has already been posted but for some more info on SMAT products check out these two articles.

In this first one I go through all the SMAT products at the time this article was written and do my best to explain point by point what the product do according to their label instructions.

The SMAT Pack - Everything you ever wanted to know about Meguiar's SMAT products...

The Aggressiveness Order of SMAT Products - This might surprise you!
